
  • 网络HARRISON;Rex Harrison;John Harrison;Harris
  1. 在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。

    In this new book , Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates

  2. 哈里森辉煌的职业生涯长达60多年。

    Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades

  3. 哈里森先生估计他有一半生意可以用计算机处理。

    Mr. Harrison reckons half of his business could be transacted by computer .

  4. 哈里森抱怨说他的同事联手对付他。

    Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him

  5. 哈里森的一根手指脱臼了。

    Harrison dislocated a finger

  6. 没有开发的煤炭储量;我们大脑中没有开发的宝藏&G·R·哈里森。

    Untapped reserves of coal ; the untapped stockrooms of our minds - G.R.Harrison .

  7. 斯沃斯莫尔学院语言学副教授K•大卫•哈里森说,失去语言意味着失去知识。

    Losing languages means losing knowledge , says K.David Harrison , an assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College .

  8. 你肯定知道哈里森•福特,但你是否知道这位演员在闲暇时间里是非盈利组织“保护国际”(ConservationInternational)的副主席?

    Of course you know Harrison Ford , but did you know that in his spare time , the actor is the vice-chair of non-profit Conservation International ?

  9. 加速合伙公司(AccelPartners)和哈里森金属(HarrisonMetal)共同负责了此轮融资,辛格•卡西迪曾进入前者学习并开展过创业活动。

    Accel partners , where Singh Cassidy had been an entrepreneur-in-residence , and Harrison metal co-led the round .

  10. Crowdpac公关总监梅森•哈里森(MasonHarrison)解释了这种落差。

    Mason Harrison , Crowdpac 's head of communications , explained the gap .

  11. 弗思曾饰演过希金斯(HenryHiggins)一角,其说话的方式有时候和雷克斯•哈里森(RexHarrison)有相似之处;

    He 's Henry Higgins redux , with speech patterns that sometimes echo Rex Harrison 's ;

  12. 有好莱坞血统的哈里森(harrison)儿子本福特(benford),代表了这种新趋势。

    Ben Ford , who as the son of Harrison comes with his own Hollywood pedigree , represents this new breed .

  13. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)并购负责人唐•哈里森周二表示,谷歌可能很快会与私募股权公司合伙收购其他公司。

    Google Inc. may soon partner with private equity firms to acquire other companies , according to comments made yesterday by Google mergers and acquisitions chief don Harrison .

  14. Ryan的高级咨询顾问希瑟•哈里森(HeatherHarrison)说,员工们会把他们的日常安排发到共享的Outlook日程表上,并且经常在电话会议上讨论问题。

    Employees post their schedules on shared Outlook calendars and talk often on conference calls , says Heather Harrison , a senior consultant .

  15. Soylent之名取自1966年哈里.哈里森(HarryHarrison)的科幻小说《MakeRoom!MakeRoom!》,小说探讨了人口剧增可能给全球资源带来的影响。

    The company takes its name from a 1966 Harry Harrison science-fiction novel Make Room ! Make Room ! , which explores the impact massive population growth could have on world resources .

  16. 由于我请胞弟J。哈里森为合伙人,今后公司更名为哈里森兄弟公司。

    In consequence of my having taken into partnership my brother James Harrison , the business of the establishment will hence-forward be conducted under the firm of Harrison & Brother .

  17. 哈里森原先是WilsonSonsiniGoodrich&Rosati律师事务所的一名律师,2005年加入谷歌。

    Harrison , then a lawyer at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati , joined Google in 2005 .

  18. 1737年,自学成才的英国约克郡钟表匠约翰•哈里森(JohnHarrison)震惊了伦敦科学界。他提出的特别方案,解决了18世纪最重要也是最著名的技术难题。

    In 1737 , John Harrison , a self-taught clockmaker from Yorkshire , stunned London 's scientific establishment by presenting an idiosyncratic solution to the most important and notorious technological problem of the 18th century .

  19. 英格丽德还得应付美国士兵的严密监视。这本书高度赞扬了厄尔·G·哈里森(EarlG.Harrison)等美国官员,哈里森曾是美国移民和归化局局长,曾负责监管克里斯特尔城。

    Ingrid would also have to deal with the crude attentions of American G.I.s. The book gives abundant credit to such American officials as Earl G. Harrison , a onetime commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service .

  20. “今年,我们的确调查了这些人的购物方式,”哈里森集团副董事长吉姆泰勒(jimtaylor)表示,“我们对人们如何决定在网上或是商店中购物进行了调查。”

    " This year we really took a look at how these people go shopping , " says Jim Taylor , vice-chairman of Harrison . " We looked at how people decide to buy something online or in a store . "

  21. 迄今为止,HBO的这次押注获得了《真探》12项提名的回报,其中包括两位主演麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)和哈里森(WoodyHarrelson)的提名。

    So far , HBO 's gamble has been rewarded with 12 nominations for ' True Detective , ' including nominations for both lead actors , Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson .

  22. 将近150年来,印度的哈里森.马拉雅拉姆公司(HarrisonMalayalam)在印度南部的泰米尔纳德邦和喀拉拉邦大片土地上种植橡胶和茶叶。

    For nearly 150 years , Harrisons Malayalam has grown rubber and tea on massive plantations in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala .

  23. “我见过的事,你们人不会相信。”在电影《银翼杀手》(BladeRunner)末尾,鲁特格尔樠尔(RutgerHauer)饰演的反派将哈里森輠祹(HarrisonFord)饰演的角色拉回屋顶,饶了他一命,然后说出了这句话。

    I 've seen things you people wouldn 't believe , " the villain played by Rutger Hauer reminisces at the end of the film Blade Runner after hauling Harrison Ford 's character on to a roof top and sparing his life .

  24. 拉塞尔最好的资料来源包括哈里森的日记以及约瑟夫·欧鲁克(JosephO’Rourke)的人事档案,后者曾是克里斯特尔城的一名军官,负责处理那里的日常问题。

    Among Ms. Russell 's best sources : Mr. Harrison 's diary and the personnel file of Joseph O'Rourke , the officer in Crystal City who dealt with the day-to-day problems there .

  25. 最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(WallaceK.Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。

    Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .

  26. 据信最早它是由美国无线公司在新泽西哈里森的工程师于1946年开发出来的,研发代号为A-4522。

    It is believed to have been originally developed in1946 by RCA engineers in Harrison , New Jersey under developmental number A-4522 .

  27. 在《日记的公主》(ThePrincessDiarist)中,她证实了很多粉丝长期以来的怀疑:在拍摄第一部《星球大战》期间,她曾与哈里森•福特(HarrisonFord,当时已婚)相恋。

    In " The Princess Diarist , " she admitted what many fans had long suspected : During the filming of the first " Star Wars " movie , she and Harrison Ford ( who was married at the time ) had an affair .

  28. 在哈里森的领导下,谷歌公司加快了并购的步伐,先后收购了导航应用Waze;智能家用设备制造商Nest;人工智能初创公司DeepMindTechnologies;以及多家机器人公司。

    Under Harrison , the pace of deals has accelerated with the acquisitions of waze , the navigation app ; nest , the smart home devices maker ; deepmind technologies , an artificial intelligence startup ; and a string of robotics companies .

  29. 哈里森在一份声明中说:“太空技术的实际应用,比如成像卫星,可以帮助人们更加轻松地获取重要信息,因此能在SpaceX开发新的发射技术时,为它的成长提供支持,我们感到十分激动。”

    In a statement , Mr. Harrison said : " Space-based applications , like imaging satellites , can help people more easily access important information , so we 're excited to support SpaceX 's growth as it develops new launch technologies . "

  30. 农场主付给哈里森12镑的报酬。

    Harrison was give a & 12 reward by the farmer .