
  • 网络university of copenhagen;Copenhagen University
  1. 另一位创始人杨焕明也曾在国外留学,他在哥本哈根大学(UniversityofCopenhagen)获得博士学位。

    Another co-founder , Yang Huanming , also studied abroad , receiving his PhD at the University of Copenhagen .

  2. 位于哥本哈根大学人文主义系里的绿色灯塔(GreenLighthouse)也是SolveigNielsen和她的COPENHAGEN-X引以为傲的一个项目。

    Located in the Department of University of Copenhagen humanism green Lighthouse ( Green Lighthouse ) and Solveig Nielsen her COPENHAGEN-X proud of a project .

  3. 如果你有R基因,你可以获得完全的抵抗力,哥本哈根大学研究人员约翰·穆迪说。

    " When you have an R gene , you can have complete resistance ," says John Mundy , a researcher at Copenhagen University .

  4. 例如,2010年,哥本哈根大学的罗迈因·巴雷斯(RomainBarres)博士和他的同事们以高脂肪饮食饲喂雄性大鼠,然后让其与雌性交配。

    In 2010 , for example , Dr. Romain Barres of the University of Copenhagen and his colleagues fed male rats a high-fat diet and then mated them with females .

  5. 哥本哈根大学教授,电影史学家卡斯帕·提布约根(CasperTybjerg)说,19世纪的文化激进主义对维多利亚时代的性压抑持批判态度,对丹麦有着深远影响。

    The 19th century concept of cultural radicalism , with its critical attitude toward Victorian sexual restraint , has been incredibly influential , said the film historian Casper Tybjerg , a professor at the University of Copenhagen .

  6. 1828年安徒生获准进入哥本哈根大学学习,随后他的文学创作生涯很快就开始了。

    Andersen gained admission to the University of Copenhagen in 1828 , and his literary career began soon afterwards .

  7. 后来他离开家乡,凭实力考进哥本哈根大学,并完成大学教育。

    Later , after leaving his hometown , Andersen passed his examinations and graduated from Copenhagen university , where he completed his education .

  8. 丹麦哥本哈根大学动物学荣誉教授同意这个问题还未被解答。

    Claus Nielsen , professor emeritus of zoology at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark , agrees that the question is not yet answered .

  9. 丹麦哥本哈根大学专家亨利可·劳森率领的一个国际研究小组从细菌中分离出两种新的葡萄糖苷酶。

    The two novel glycosidase enzymes were identified in bacteria by an international team led by Henrik Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark .

  10. 哥本哈根大学的研究者们发表了一篇论文,记载了与这类药物相关的严重不良反应。

    Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have published an article that documents the serious side effects that can be associated with these types of medications .

  11. 那位夫人是一位美国物理学家的妻子,曾经谈到:他的丈夫正在哥本哈根大学的理论物理研究所搞研究。

    The lady , the wife of an American physicist , had mentioned that her husband was studying at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen .

  12. 黑色巧克力比牛奶巧克力更能使人满足,哥本哈根大学的科学家们说,但是衡量你要吃的量,吃的时候一定要注意。

    Dark varieties are more satisfying than milk chocolate , say scientists at the University of Copenhagen , but measure your portion , and be mindful when you eat .

  13. 只有一个可以如此放纵的理由:哥本哈根大学的研究表明,吃黑巧克力可以让你下一餐少吃一点。

    Just one more reason to indulge : nosh on dark chocolate and you 'll eat less at your next meal , according to research from the University of Copenhagen .

  14. 来自哥本哈根大学的教授们发现,在上个世纪70年代中期,那些体重正常的人的死亡率最低,而超重的人早死的风险要高出30%。

    In the mid-1970s , those with the lowest death rates were a normal weight and the obese faced a 30 % higher risk of early death , the doctors , from Copenhagen University , found .

  15. 包括一个加州工学院喷气推进实验室的研究员,一个哥本哈根大学的化学家,以及一个密歇根医学院的麻醉师在内的研究者们,对三种麻醉气体进行了研究:异氟烷,地氟醚,七氟醚。

    Researchers , including one from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at CalTech , a chemist from the University of Copenhagen and an anesthesiologist from the University of Michigan Medical School , studied three anesthetic gases : and

  16. 在该榜单中,苏黎世联邦理工学院是欧洲大陆排名最高的大学,位列第19,丹麦的哥本哈根大学位列第31,超过了位列第39的法国巴黎第六大学,成为了欧洲大陆第二好的学校。

    The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich was the highest-ranked entry from continental Europe , in 19th place , while the University of Copenhagen in Denmark - which came 31st - overtook France 's Pierre and Marie Curie University ( 39th ) as mainland Europe 's next best , the statement said .

  17. 同样,哥本哈根it大学(ituniversity)讲授跨学科课程,旨在将商业领域的知识和该领域的it使用和开发能力相结合。

    Similarly , the IT University in Copenhagen offers interdisciplinary courses , aimed at combining knowledge of a business area with the ability to use and develop it for that area .