
  • 网络Gothicism
  1. 本文从女性哥特主义视角解析《简?爱》,正是为了加深对小说这一文学主题的了解。

    This thesis analyses Jane Eyre in the view of Gothic feminism and it intends to deepen the understanding of this theme .

  2. 性别身份的焦虑:女性的梦魇&女性哥特理论视野下的阿特伍德的小说本文从女性哥特主义视角解析《简?爱》,正是为了加深对小说这一文学主题的了解。

    Sex Identity Being Women 's Nightmare : Atwood 's Novel from Perspective of Female Gothic Theory This thesis analyses Jane Eyre in the view of Gothic feminism and it intends to deepen the understanding of this theme .