
qí tè
  • peculiar;curious;singular;queer;striking
奇特 [qí tè]
  • [peculiar;queer] 不寻常,特别

  • 她的奇特行为

  • 一条奇特的赭色狗

奇特[qí tè]
  1. 你可曾听过谁的声音如此奇特?

    Did you ever hear anyone sound so peculiar ?

  2. 他那奇特的服装引起了她的注意。

    Her attention was attracted by his peculiar attire .

  3. 这道菜的味道和口感搭配得很奇特。

    This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures .

  4. 由于命运之神的奇特安排,他们全都死里逃生,毫发未损。

    By some freak of fate they all escaped without injury .

  5. 英国人的幽默感很奇特。

    The British have a very odd sense of humour .

  6. 由于命运的奇特安排,我和安迪乘坐了同一架飞机。

    By a strange twist of fate , Andy and I were on the same plane .

  7. 琼斯自己是个奇特的混合体,既保守又激进。

    Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism .

  8. 我们因为风格奇特又独具创意而名声在外。

    We 've developed a reputation for being quite quirky and original

  9. 他的方法不同寻常,他的生活方式也相当奇特。

    His methods were unorthodox , and his lifestyle eccentric .

  10. 其电影产业以它奇特的与世隔绝的方式运作。

    Its film industry operates in its own curiously hermetic way

  11. 他们进了商店,那是幢年久失修的奇特建筑。

    They entered the shop , which was a curious ramshackle building .

  12. 这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊周长约有15,000英尺。

    This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet

  13. 游行盛典将会是古老与现代的奇特融合。

    The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern

  14. 那个地方散发着一种奇特的气质。

    A strange spirit infused the place .

  15. 这对夫妇长相奇特。

    They were an odd-looking couple

  16. 注射类固醇后我感觉很奇特。我有时会极度兴奋。

    I felt so strange on the steroid injections . I was as high as a kite some of the time .

  17. 那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。

    I was struck with the man 's singular appearance .

  18. 从不明飞行物上发出奇特的光。

    A singular glow came from the unidentified flying object .

  19. 他的印度长袍与他流利的英语形成奇特的对照。

    His Indian robes contrasted oddly with his fluent English .

  20. 我曾经历过一次奇特的冒险。

    I had a singular adventure .

  21. 雪后的山谷幻化成一个奇特的琉璃世界。

    The snow turned the valley into a strange crystalline place .

  22. 她的声音洪亮,有一种奇特的震撼人心的效果。

    Her voice had a strange and thrilling resonance .

  23. 他们明显奇特的风俗现在可以很容易地得到解释。

    Their apparently strange customs are now easily accountable .

  24. 太空生活的奇特从未完全消失。

    The oddness of life in space never quite goes away .

  25. 最后,我将这个年轻人交给了我们的秘书,这位秘书是一位奇特的员工,她独自抚养着三个孩子。

    Finally , I sent the young man to our secretary , who was a miracle worker raising three kids of her own .

  26. 它以奇特的岩石形状和日出时的热气球之旅闻名。

    It is best-known for its strange rock shapes and hot air balloon trips during sunrise .

  27. 约翰·阿拉贝尔先生的脸上出现了某种奇特的表情。

    A queer look came over John Arable 's face .

  28. 不出所料,地板上有个外表奇特的小东西。

    Sure enoush , there was a funny-looking gizmo in the floor .

  29. 一位在非洲旅行的旅客送给了他母亲一只奇特动人的鸟作为生日礼物。

    A tourist in Africa sent his mother an exotic bird for her birthday .

  30. 这些形状奇特的叶子并不是扁平形状。

    These curious leaves are not flat .