
  • 网络Chichen itza;Pre-Hispanic City of Chichen-Itza
  1. 但是我发现只用他的方法无法分析奇琴伊察的日历,因为那里的象形文字太少了。

    I find that his method of dealing solely with calendrical matter fails at Chichen Itza , since there are but few hieroglyphs of that nature .

  2. 奇琴伊察位于尤卡坦半岛的中心,周围遍布着大片的雨林。在公元6世纪左右,玛雅人就开始在此居住。

    Found in the heart of the Mucatan Peninsula , and surrounded on all sides by vast rainforest , Chichen Itza was first populated around the sixth century AD by the Mayans .

  3. 在古玛雅城市奇琴伊察,被称为埃尔卡斯蒂略的大金字塔沿主轴建造。

    In the ancient Maya city of Chich é n Itz the great pyramid known as El Castillo is oriented along cardinal axis .

  4. 奇琴伊察可能是最富盛名的玛雅文明寺庙之城。

    Chich é n Itz á is possibly the most famous temple city of the Mayas , a pre-Columbian civilization that lived in present day Central America .

  5. 美洲金字塔包括特奥蒂瓦坎的日月金字塔、奇琴伊察的卡斯蒂略以及安地斯山居民区的许多印加、奇穆人建筑结构。

    American pyramids include the pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuac á n , the Castillo at Chich é n Itz á, and various Inca and Chim ú structures in Andean settlements .

  6. 未来5年,中国出境旅游有望超过4亿人次,墨西哥的太阳月亮金字塔、奇琴伊察古城、阿卡普尔科海滩,将会出现更多中国游客的身影。

    In the coming five years , outbound Chinese tourists are expected to exceed 400 million and leave their footprints at the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon , the ancient city of Chichen Itza and the beaches of Acapulco .