
liè rén
  • hunter;huntsman
猎人 [liè rén]
  • [hunter] 从事打猎职业的人或指打猎有专长的人

猎人[liè rén]
  1. 猎人逼到近前结果了那只动物。

    The hunter moved in to finish the animal off .

  2. 猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。

    The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it .

  3. 猎人在森林里跟丢了猎物。

    The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest .

  4. 洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。

    Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls .

  5. 猎人潜行追踪猎物。

    The hunters stalked their prey .

  6. 猎人们拖着沉重的步子行走在飞雪中。

    The hunters tramped through the falling snow .

  7. 聪明的狐狸逃脱了猎人的追踪。

    The clever fox escaped the hunter .

  8. 猎人们悄悄地追捕那头鹿。

    Huntsmen chased the deer silently .

  9. 猎人们向在挣扎中的野猪靠拢。

    The hunters were closing in on the struggling wild boar .

  10. 猎人们疾驶,追捕那只狐狸。

    The huntsmen rode fast , chasing after the fox .

  11. 猎人们在山顶附近设营。

    The hunters camped near the top of the mountain .

  12. 这匹狼咬住猎人的手。

    The wolf snapped at the hunter 's hand .

  13. 那只老虎倒在了猎人的枪口下。

    The tiger fell to the hunter 's gun .

  14. 猎人整天呆在树林中搜寻猎物。

    The hunters stayed in the woods all day in quest of game .

  15. 猎人们打下了许多鸟。

    The hunters got down a number of birds .

  16. 大量涌来的猎人捕杀掉了那个地区里的大部分野牛。

    The flood of hunters killed off most of the buffaloes in that area .

  17. 猎人蹑手蹑脚地走近那头鹿。

    The hunter crept up to the deer .

  18. 猎人打倒了一只鹿。

    The hunter brought down a deer .

  19. 那狮子躲开了猎人。

    The lion evaded the hunter .

  20. 就在这时,猎人来查看他的陷阱。

    Just then , the hunter came to check his trap .

  21. 猎人走近时,乌龟刚抬起一只脚。

    Turtle just lifted a foot up when the hunter got close .

  22. 猎人捡起乌龟,动身回家。

    The hunter picked Turtle up and started for home .

  23. "我这是个空陷阱,"猎人说。

    My trap is empty , said the hunter .

  24. 猎人看见了鹿,就放下乌龟去捉鹿。

    The hunter saw Deer so he put Turtle down to get Deer .

  25. 猎人回去抓乌龟,但他发现乌龟不见了。

    The hunter went back to get Turtle , but he found him gone .

  26. 乌鸦说:“今天早上,我在森林里看见了一个猎人。”

    " I saw a hunter in the forest this morning , " said Crow .

  27. 猎人一离开乌龟,老鼠就跑上来帮助乌龟躲在森林里。

    As soon as the hunter left Turtle , Mouse ran up and helped Turtle hide in the forest .

  28. 这些昆虫攻击猎人,并开始吮吸他的血。

    The insect attacked the hunter and began sucking5 his blood .

  29. 怪物没有感到任何疼痛,并攻击猎人。

    The monster did not feel any pain and attacked the hunter .

  30. 勇敢的猎人拿出了他的箭,并射向这个怪物。

    The brave hunter took out his arrow1 and shot2 the monster .