
bā xī lì yà
  • Brasilia;Brazil;Brasília;BSB
  1. 一位巴西利亚的选民将人们的心情一言概之——“政客们已无信誉可言”,他抱怨道。

    One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — ' Politicians have lost credibility , ' he complained

  2. 1960年巴西利亚建成时,它是一个视觉奇迹。

    When Brasilia was completed in1960 it was a wonder to behold .

  3. 巴西利亚很快被人们承认为国家首都。

    Brasilia has quickly established itself as the capital of the country .

  4. 博索纳罗在巴西利亚向支持者致意时,应支持者的请求摘下了口罩。

    Bolsonaro took his mask off when he greeted them in Brasilia .

  5. 葡萄牙大使馆住所花园,巴西利亚,巴西

    Garden of Portuguese embassy residence in brasilia , Brazil

  6. 在首都巴西利亚,抗议者冲入一栋大楼。

    Protesters stormed a building in the capital Brasilia .

  7. 巴西利亚是为现代生活而精心设计的。

    Brasilia has been carefully planned for modern living .

  8. 你猜想巴西利亚是怎么建起来的?

    How do you suppose Brasilia was built ?

  9. 巴西利亚的美国学校里,一个小男孩扮成吸血鬼去参加万圣节狂欢。

    A boy wearing a Halloween costume attends'Halloween Carnival'at the American School in Brasilia .

  10. 巴西利亚是巴西的首都。

    Brasilia is the capital of Brazil .

  11. 首都迁到了巴西利亚。

    The capital was transferred fo brasjlia .

  12. 克林顿在巴西利亚和巴西总统卢拉举行了会谈。

    Clinton held talks in Brasilia with Brazil 's President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva .

  13. 他说,但是州政府说他必须向在巴西利亚的卫生部索取。

    But the state says he must ask the Ministry of Health in Brasilia , he says .

  14. 简而言之;概括地说一位巴西利亚的选民将人们的心情一言概之——“政客们已无信誉可言”,他抱怨道。

    One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood - ' Politicians have lost credibility , ' he complained .

  15. 其他人则乐观地认为,巴西利亚仍有可能成为一座伟大的城市,但需要一个世纪左右的时间。

    Others optimistically argue that Bras í lia may still become a great city , in a century or so .

  16. “开始时,政府很难说服人们离开里约热内卢去巴西利亚落户。”

    " At first , the government had great difficulty in persuading people to leave Rio and to settle in brasilia . "

  17. 该公司的一名前高管作证称,他将贿赂的资金输送给了劳工党及其在巴西利亚的盟友。

    A former high-ranking executive at Petrobras has testified that he channeled bribes to the party and its allies in Bras í lia .

  18. 这些计划是在9月13日于巴西的巴西利亚举行的三国集团首脑和政府峰会上通过的。

    The plans were agreed on13 September at the first G3 Heads of State and Government Summit , held in Brasilia , Brazil .

  19. 巴西政府声明,在首都巴西利亚的监视是遵循巴西法律执行的,而且是为了保护国家的利益。

    The Brazilian government says the surveillance in the capital Brasilia was carried out under Brazilian law , and to protect national interests .

  20. 建筑与文化产物:十字形与旗帜-在巴西利亚的设计与政治>,1985。

    Fischler , R. " Architecture and Cultural Production : The Cross and the Banner - Design and Politics in Brasilia . " 1985 .

  21. 如果希望在巴西利亚的听证会上亲自发表意见,请在递交原始材料时明确说明。

    Please state clearly , at the time of the original submission , if you wish to testify in person at the hearing in Brasilia .

  22. 巴西利亚这座新城市是伟大的建筑师卢希奥•考斯塔所设计的。它于1960年取代了里约热内卢,成了巴西的首都。

    Designed by the great architect Lucio Costa , the new city , Brasilia , replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazif in1960 .

  23. 作为合众国华盛顿,澳大利亚的堪培拉和俄罗斯曾经了圣彼得堡,因此,也有巴西的巴西利亚,其。

    As America had Washington DC , Australia had Canberra and Russia had once had St. Petersburg , so too would Brazil have its Brasilia .

  24. 抗议者还冲入首都巴西利亚的外交部,向外交部大楼内投掷燃烧物和爆竹,随后被警察驱散。

    Protesters also stormed the foreign ministry in the capital , Brasilia , throwing burning objects and firecrackers into the building before being repelled by police .

  25. 雅各布斯还解释了,为何在世界各地,那些规划出来的城市如此乏味,比如澳大利亚的堪培拉、巴西的巴西利亚、印度的昌迪加尔和英国的莱奇沃思花园城。

    Jacobs explained why the planned cities of the world such as Canberra , Bras í lia , Chandigarh and Letchworth Garden City are so boring .

  26. 2月下旬,卢拉将在首都巴西利亚以“领走”的方式展开这场健身运动,届时广播和电视会进行大量宣传。

    Lula will lead a walk in Brazil 's capital , Brasilia , in late February to kick-start the campaign , which will feature radio and television ads.

  27. 巴西的首都巴西利亚位于巴西中央高原上。巴西利亚的现代城市建筑被联合国教科文组织列入人文遗产名单。

    The modern urban architecture of brasilia , capital of Brazil and situated on the Brazilian Central plateau , is included in UNESCO list of cultural heritage sites .

  28. 在巴西,公务员的待遇可是相当不错,从首都巴西利亚的居民区来看,很多人的家都非常奢侈,有游泳池、佣人和闪闪发亮的轿车。

    In Brazil , civil servants do very well , as the many luxurious homes with pools , servants and shiny cars in the capital Brasilia 's residential areas show .

  29. 在巴西首都巴西利亚,示威的土著人穿着部落裙与警察对峙,其中一名警察腿部被箭射中了。

    Protestors wearing traditional tribal dress squared up to police in Brazil 's capital , Brasilia - and one officer ended up being shot in the leg with an arrow .

  30. 世界银行行长沃尔福威茨将在这次访问中考察圣保罗的贫民区、巴西利亚的教育和家庭项目、以及位于亚马逊河流域中心地带的地方社区。

    A visit which takes the World Bank president from the slums of Sao Paolo to education and family projects in Brasilia , and to local communities in the heart of the Amazon .