
  • 网络chiron;CHILON;David Raichlen
  1. 人马族被逼的走投无路,只好逃到了奇伦的家中。

    They had to escape to the home of Chiron .

  2. 然而,就在射手奇伦射出那致命一箭的刹那,侍女海伦挡在了伊的胸前!

    But when the archer Chiron tried to shoot Ganymede , Helen warded off the arrow with her body .

  3. 奇伦托地区同时也是古希腊殖民地和本土的伊特拉斯坎人和卢卡尼亚人之间的边界。

    The Cilento was also the boundary between the Greek colonies of Magna graecia and the indigenous Etruscan and lucanian peoples .

  4. 有一天,英雄赫五力来拜访他的朋友奇伦。赫五力早就听说人马族的酒香醇无比,便要求奇伦给他拿来享用,可是,他喝光了奇伦的酒仍不尽兴,执意要喝光全部落的酒。

    One day , Hercules came to visit his friend Chiron , because he heard that the wine there had special aroma and wanted to try some . After drinking the wine of Chiron , Hercules insisted on drinking the rest of it .