
  • 网络new geography
  1. 这些都是一些比较传统的研究。而基于新经济地理学视角下的贸易成本对FDI区位选择的影响研究却少有人关注。

    However these are all old-fashioned research , seldom are there any studies conducted from the perspective of New Economic Geography .

  2. 新经济地理学视角下的FDI区位选择&基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析

    The Selection According to the New Economic Geography of FDI Regions : A Case Study Based on China 's Inter-provincial Panel Data

  3. 与此同时,由于新经济地理学首次把运输成本纳入到一般均衡分析框架中,从而为FDI的区位选择研究提供了新的理论框架和研究视角。

    At the same time , since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework , so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives .

  4. 以克鲁格曼(Krugman)为代表的新经济地理学柔和了运输费用和规模报酬递增等因素将产业集聚理论进行了新的诠释和理解。

    New Economic Geography ( NEG ) represented by Paul Krugman provides a new interpretation of industry agglomeration , combining factors including transport costs and increasing returns to scale .

  5. 首先,本文借鉴了新经济地理学的D-S模型和OTT模型,通过本地市场效应、价格指数效应、市场拥挤效应三个方面,阐述了导致经济集聚和扩散的向心力和离心力。

    First of all , we focus on D-S model and OTT model , and analyze centripetal force and centrifugal force which lead to economic concentration and diffusion , through local market effect , price index effect , market crowding effect .

  6. 本文研究了新经济地理学(NEG)框架下的跨国厂商位置选择问题,主要运用NEG的国际模型和初始的中心&外围模型(CP模型)进行分析。

    This paper studies the location choice of multinational firms in the framework of the new economic geography ( NEG ), mainly using the international models and the initial core-periphery models ( CP models ) in the NEG to analyze it .

  7. 新经济地理学与传统经济地理学之比较研究

    A comparative study of new economic geography and traditional economic geography

  8. 所以新文化地理学重视空间,认为文化是通过空间组成的。

    So that New Cultural Geography implies culture is composed by places .

  9. 新经济地理学:理论、方法与学科比较

    New Economic Geography : the Theory , Research Methods and Discipline Comparison

  10. 当代西方新文化地理学知识谱系引论

    Introduction on knowledge genealogy of new ' cultural geography '

  11. 新经济地理学中的制度转向与区域发展

    Institutional turn , institutional thickness of new economic geography and regional development

  12. 从新文化地理学重构人文地理学的研究框架

    Re-constructing the research frame of Human Geography from perspectives of New Cultural Geography

  13. 新经济地理学与中国少数民族地区的经济发展

    New economic geography and the economic development in the minority area of China

  14. 克鲁格曼等新经济地理学派对产业集群的有关论述

    Krugman and Other New Economic Geography of the Relevant Parties on Industrial Clusters

  15. 英美文化研究与新文化地理学

    Anglo-American Cultural Studies and the New Cultural Geography

  16. 贸易自由化加剧了发展不平等吗&来自新经济地理学的理论进展

    Does Free Trade Worsen the Development Inequality & Theoretic Progress from New Economic Geography

  17. 新经济地理学的研究视角探析

    Study Angles of the New Economic Geography

  18. 新经济地理学诞生的理论基石

    The Theoretical Base of New Economic Geography

  19. 新区域地理学的核心概念是“地方”、“行为主体”、“体系”。

    The kernel notion of new regional geography is district , behavior body and system .

  20. 分析了新经济地理学和新产业地理学的产业区位理论。新经济地理学是西方主流经济学家提出来的,也称为地理经济学。

    This chapter has analyzed industrial location theory of new economic geography and new industrial geography .

  21. 人文主义与后现代化主义之兴起及西方新区域地理学之发展

    Humanism , the Rise of Postmodernism and the Development of New Regional Geography in the West

  22. 物流成本影响跨国企业选址的新经济地理学分析

    New Economic Geographic Analysis on the Impact of Logistics Cost on the Location of Multinational Enterprises

  23. 对学生不加引导、激发地灌输知识。当代西方新文化地理学知识谱系引论

    Teach without challenging the students . INTRODUCTION ON KNOWLEDGE GENEALOGY OF NEW ' CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY '

  24. 第四,新文化地理学的景观研究具有很强的文化政治倾向。

    New Cultural Geography has a strong trend of cultural politics while it looks at human landscapes .

  25. 第四部分,新经济地理学视角下高技术产业集聚的理论分析。

    The fourth part is Theoretical analysis of high-tech industrial agglomeration from the perspective of new economic geography .

  26. 本地市场效应是新经济地理学中关于产业集聚形成的重要机制之一。

    The Home Market Effect is one of the important mechanisms of industrial agglomeration in New Geographic Economics .

  27. 集聚经济、环境规制与外商直接投资区位选择&基于新经济地理学视角的分析

    Agglomeration Effects , Environmental Regulation Policy and Foreign Direct Investment Location Choice & According to the New Economic Geography

  28. 异质性劳动力流动与区域收入差距:新经济地理学模型的扩展分析

    The Influence of Heterogeneous Labor Force Mobility on Regional Income Gaps : An Expansion of New Economic Geography Model

  29. 上世纪七十年代,国际人文地理学界出现了区域研究的创新趋势,即人文主义、后现代主义和结构主义哲学主导下的新区域地理学的兴起。

    In the seventies of last century , there presented the innovative trend of regional study in Human Geography .

  30. 自克鲁格曼1991年出版《地理和贸易》之后,新经济地理学已经发展成型。

    After the publication of Geography and Trade written by Krugman in 1991 , New Economy Geography have been mature .