
  • 网络Singular matrix
  1. 奇异矩阵的Krylov方法的误差分析比较

    Error Analysis of Krylov Method of Singular Matrix

  2. 在该方案中,发射机根据信道相干时间确定合适的时隙间隔d,并利用奇异矩阵对多个相距d个时隙的信号矢量进行线性组合,从而得到系统在对应时隙的发射信号。

    Firstly , the transmitter determines the proper time interval d according to the coherence time of the wireless channels . Then several signal vectors with an interval of d are combined together by a singular matrix , and the result vectors are transmitted at the corresponding time slots .

  3. LU分解是一种将非奇异矩阵进行三角分解的方法,而数字图像也可以看作矩阵。

    LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix , and the digital image can be seen as a matrix .

  4. 由Cmxn中矩阵F范数的酉不变性质,给出了实对称矩阵与实非奇异矩阵F范数的特征性质及其推论

    According to the F norm 's unitary invariant property of C mxn , the characteristic properties and deductions of the real symmetrical matrix and nonsingular matrix 's F norm are achieved

  5. 对于Fisher线性判别分析这种特征提取方法,在二分类的基础上,讨论得到了多类问题的最优投影矩阵,并且成功的解决了奇异矩阵求伪逆的问题。

    As the second method of feature extraction , fisher LDA ( linear discriminate analysis ) is analyzed systemically , then the projection matrix is gained .

  6. 设A,B为两个n×n可对称化矩阵,即存在非奇异矩阵P,Q使得此处均为实数,本文证明了:其中表示谱范数,而表示Frorbenius范数。

    Let A and B be two n × n symmetrizable matrices , i. e. , there exists nonsingular matrices P , Q such that where are all real , and . It is proved that where denote the spectral norm ;

  7. 但对一类特殊的非对称代数Riccati方程,我们运用位移变换可将其转换成一个新的Riccati方程,使得新方程的四个常数矩阵组成的矩阵K为非奇异矩阵。

    For a special class of nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation , we use shift technique to transform the original Riccati equation into a new Riccati equation , making K a non-singular matrix .

  8. 本文着重研究了三个矩阵QQ-SVD分解中非奇异矩阵的性质结构。

    In this article we study the structures of the nonsingular matrices of the multiple quotient singular value decomposition QQ-SVD .

  9. 本文在当系数矩阵为非奇异矩阵时,提出了一种新的并行多分裂迭代算法(TOR方法),并研究了当系数矩阵为H-矩阵、M-矩阵时该算法的收敛性。

    In this paper , we give a new parallel multi-splitting iterative method ( TOR method ) when the coefficient matrix is a non-singular matrix , and study the convergences of the algorithm when the coefficient matrix is an H-matrix or M-matrix .

  10. 当OVSS谱估计方法中构造的奇异矩阵的行数大于信号频率个数加1时,会产生虚假的正弦信号,在实际应用时容易造成误判。

    When the number of rows is more than the number of sine wave signals adding 1 , the spectral estimation method OVSS shall produce some false sine wave signals , which can bring error in practical applications .

  11. 复数域上非奇异矩阵A+iB的逆矩阵

    The Inverse Matrix of Nonsingular Complex Matrix A + iB

  12. 实对称阵与实非奇异矩阵F&范数的性质

    Characteristic Property of Real Symmetrical Matrix and Nonsingular Matrix 's F & Norm

  13. 内点算法中一类非奇异矩阵的证明及其应用

    The Proof and Application of a Series of Nonsingular Matrixes in Interior Point Algorithm

  14. 正半定矩阵是正定的,当且仅当它们是非奇异矩阵。

    Positive semi-definite matrices are positive definite if and only if they are nonsingular .

  15. 给出了非奇异矩阵A的伴随的广义特征向量的表达式。

    An expression of the generalized eigenvector of adjoint matrices for nonsingular matrix A is derived .

  16. 介绍了广义逆M-回归的统计学原理和基本特征;提出了在奇异矩阵M中找出M-的方法以及适合M-回归的场合。

    The means to find out M-in a singular matrix and the occasions suitable to the regression were suggested .

  17. 给出了基于全非奇异矩阵的代替置换网络的差分概率上界。

    The upper bound of the differential probability is developed for the completely nonsingular matrix based substitution permutation network .

  18. 基于这一模型,设计了一个称为基于全非奇异矩阵的代替置换网络的密码结构。

    Based on this model , a new crypt structure called completely nonsingular matrix based substitution permutation network is designed .

  19. 通过非奇异矩阵变换,克服了传统滑模控制要求不确定项满足匹配条件的保守性。

    The conservative feature is overcome in the traditional sliding mode control approach which needs matched uncertainty by nonsingular matrix transformation .

  20. 指出了使用大规模的基于全奇异矩阵的代替置换网络可有效地提高分组密码抗差分密码分析的安全性。

    Therefore , using large completely nonsingular matrix based substitution permutation networks can effectively improve cipher security in relation to differential cryptanalysis .

  21. 针对该算法中由于模型失配或迭代过程中产生奇异矩阵所导致的不能准确提取目标位置信息的问题,提出了改进的峰值提取算法。

    For the problem of uncorrect extraction of target location information caused by model mismatch , an improved peak extraction algorithm is proposed .

  22. 论文介绍了一种基于全非奇异矩阵的代替置换网络,它可有效的提高分组密码抗线性密码分析的能力。

    This paper introduces a completely nonsingular matrix based substitution permutation network that can effectively improve the performance of the block cipher against linear cryptanalysis .

  23. 在实际的经济管理中,动态投入产出模型的投资系数矩阵大多数都是奇异矩阵,通常把这类模型称为广义动态投入产出模型。

    In practical economics and management , most of the capital coefficient matrices of the dynamic input-output models are singular , thus , the models are called descriptor dynamic input-output models .

  24. 同时,避免了求解系数时可能出现奇异矩阵的情形,保证了模型的惟一性。3.提出了自适应混合响应面优化方法。

    It is significant that the HRS model can be free of the coefficient matrix that may appear singular to ensure the uniqueness of the model . Thirdly , an adaptive hybrid response surface optimization ( AHRSO ) method is proposed .

  25. 在摄像机内参数己知的情况下,提出一种从射影重构恢复欧氏重构的算法,先求解一个满足欧氏重构条件的非奇异矩阵,然后通过此矩阵将射影重构变换为欧氏重构。

    We propose an algorithm of recovering Euclidean reconstruction from projective reconstruction if the camera intrinsic parameters are known . First solving a non-singular matrix which satisfies Euclidean reconstruction conditions and then we convert the projective reconstruction to Euclidean reconstruction by the matrix .

  26. 非奇异H矩阵的一些新简捷判据

    Some New Simple Determinate Conditions for Nonsingular H-matrix

  27. 非奇异H矩阵研究

    Studies on nonsingular H matrix

  28. 非奇异H矩阵的充分性判别条件

    Sufficient Conditions for Nonsingular H-matrices

  29. 非奇异H矩阵在许多领域都发挥着重要作用,但在实用中判别H矩阵却是困难的。

    The nonsingular H-matrix can find its application in many fields , yet quite difficult to distinguish in practice .

  30. 线性约束和奇异SS&CP矩阵下LS回归的扫描算子

    Sweep operator for least square regression subject to linear constraints and singular ss & cp matrix