
qí yì xīng
  • strange star
奇异星[qí yì xīng]
  1. 奇异星与γ射线暴的能源机制

    A Strange Star and Energy Mechanisms of γ - ray Bursts

  2. 所以脉冲星或部分脉冲星有可能是奇异星。

    So pulsar or parts of pulsar maybe strange star .

  3. 尤其是在CFL相奇异星中,中微子辐射以及夸克热容量几乎被完全抑制,由此使热演化发生了巨大改变。

    Especially , in a SS in the CFL phase ( CSS ), the neutrino emission and quark specific heat are almost switched off totally .

  4. 知道了Dirac方程的精确解后,我们计算了奇异星内部直接Urca过程的中微子产能率并拟合了星体的冷却曲线。

    Knowing the exact solution of Dirac function , we calculate the neutrino emissivity of quark Urca reaction and simulate the cooling history of the strange star .

  5. 强作用对奇异星观测效应的影响

    Influence of strong interactions on observational effects of stronge stars

  6. 一些已知的中子星会否就是奇异星?

    Are some known neutron stars actually strange stars ?

  7. 奇异星壳层塌缩的数值研究

    Numerical Study on the Collapse of Strange Star Crust

  8. 脉冲星是中子星还是奇异星?

    Pulsars : neutron stars or strange stars ?

  9. 带壳奇异星的热演化

    Thermal Evolution of Strange Stars with a Crust

  10. 裸奇异星研究进展

    Progress in the Study of Bare Strange Stars

  11. 从中子星到奇异星的转变

    Conversion of neutron stars to strange stars

  12. 奇异星的介质和磁效应

    Medium and Magnetic Effects in Strange Stars

  13. 流夸克质量对奇异星性质的影响

    Influence of the Choice of the Current Quark Mass on the Properties of Strange Stars

  14. 奇异星物理的新进展

    Recent developments in strange star physics

  15. 伽玛射线暴与奇异星

    Gamma-Ray Bursts and Strange Stars

  16. 奇异星的冷却

    Cooling of a strange star

  17. 奇异星是类似于中子星的由奇异夸克物质组成的致密天体。本文研究了夸克之间的强作用对奇异星观测效应的影响。

    We study the influence of the strong interactions between quarks on observational effects of strange stars .

  18. 本文报道的奇异星状生物可能代表了初具原始触手的腔肠动物早期演化类型,为研究真后生动物起源演化、功能进化提供了新的实证材料。

    These new materials provide new evidence for the origin , evolution and the functional evolution of the metazoan during the early stage of the Cambrian explosion .

  19. 本文用有效质量口袋模型描述夸克物质研究了流夸克质量的选取对奇异星性质的影响。

    In this paper the influence of choice of the current quark mass on the properties of strange stars is studied by using the effective mass bag model to describe quark matter .

  20. 我们在一个奇异的星上发现了一种人,他们能说话,但没有文字。

    We find a people on a strange planet who talk , but who have no writing .

  21. 该算法以星模式矢量矩阵的奇异值作为星模式识别特征,以最小Boltzmann熵作为选取星群的准则。

    The singular values of star pattern vector matrix were utilized as identification feature in star pattern matching , and the minimum Boltzmann entropy was used as criteria to select star group .

  22. 研究了一种基于奇异值分解的星模式识别算法的稳健性。

    In the article , the robustness of a star pattern recognition algorithm based singular value decomposition was researched .

  23. 磁场中的奇异夸克物质与奇异星

    Strange Quark Matter and Strange Star in Magnetic Field

  24. 奇异夸克物质动力学与奇异星性质研究

    The Study of Dynamics of Strange Quark Matter and Properties of Strange Stars

  25. 准粒子描述下奇异夸克物质自洽热力学及对奇异星物态的影响

    Consistent Thermodynamics of SQM and EOS of Strange Stars in Quasi-Particle Description