
nián dù yù suàn
  • annual budget
  1. WendyLe表示,自己对儿子学业的年度预算是50000英镑,在被问到儿子不在身边自己是否想念他时,她露出了惊讶的表情。

    Ms Le says she has a £ 50000 annual budget for her son 's schooling , and is surprised when asked whether she misses him while he is away .

  2. 举例来说,设在盆唐的创新中心由韩国电信(KT)管理,在该中心62亿韩元的年度预算中,韩国电信提供了其中的大部分资金,并派出有经验的员工管理。

    The centre at Bundang , for example , is run by telecoms group KT , which is providing most of the operation 's Won6.2bn annual budget and has deployed experienced staff to run it .

  3. 财政大臣可以利用政府年度预算演讲的机会提出税收改革事宜。

    The Chancellor could use the Budget to bring in taxation reforms .

  4. 在荷兰,政府会制定医疗保健部门的年度预算。

    In Holland , the government sets a yearly budget for health care .

  5. 今年5月,腾讯总裁刘炽平(MartinLau)表示,各品牌“在看到更为明朗的宏观经济前景之前将会保留更大一部分年度预算”。

    Brands " are keeping more of the budget for the year until they see a clearer picture around the macro economics , said Martin Lau , the company 's president , in May .

  6. 协调参议会将会正式通过年度预算、制定分部之会员费同时正式通过扶轮领导学院(RLI)之规范及目标。

    The Coordinating Council will adopt an annual budget , set Division dues and adopt standards and goals for the RLI .

  7. 他们不仅出于政治原因容许希腊加入欧元区,而且还无数次违反了成员国年度预算赤字不得超过该国国内生产总值(GDP)3%的基本规定。

    Not only was Greece let into the eurozone for political reasons , also the fundamental rule , no member to exceed its yearly budget deficit by the equivalent of 3 per cent of gross domestic product , was broken more than a hundred times .

  8. 在拥有4个CGIAR中心并且获得了CGIAR年度预算一半的非洲,科研机构情况不佳。

    In Africa , the location of four of the CGIAR centres and the recipient of half of CGIAR 's annual budget , institutions are rundown .

  9. 汇丰(HSBC)估计,如果今年石油价格保持在120美元,中国为保持国内较低价格而支付的实际补贴可能达到270亿美元,占年度预算的4%。

    HSBC estimates that if oil prices remain at $ 120 this year , the effective subsidy paid by China to maintain lower domestic prices could reach $ 27bn ( 17bn , 14bn ), or 4 per cent of the annual budget .

  10. 但是,将成功的申请者实际安排到NIH的部门工作要取决于年度预算分配,而陈晓伟被告知,他很可能需要再等至少一年,才能获得职位。

    But the actual appointment of a Stadtman winner to an N.I.H. division is dependent on annual budget allocations , and Mr. Chen was told that he would probably need to wait another year or more to get a posting .

  11. McAdams说,资助计划加快了捐助机构为免疫方案作出贡献的速度,并帮助确定了一般取决于年度预算的援助流动。

    The financing plan accelerates donor contributions to immunization programs and helps lock in aid flows , which usually depend on annual budgets , says McAdams .

  12. 请谈谈您是如何编制年度预算的?

    Tell me how you go about creating an annual budget .

  13. 能麻烦您审查一下我们的年度预算吗?

    Would you please help us to examining our budget of annual ?

  14. 得到这份工作的人要负责年度预算。

    Whoever gets the job will be responsible for the annual budget .

  15. 协助审计总监编制年度预算。

    Assist Audit Director in preparation of annual budget .

  16. 完成德国年度预算,季度预测修正和中期计划。

    Implement the annual budget and forecast and mtp .

  17. 财政大臣在年度预算中宣布增加所得税。

    In his annual budget the Chancellor announced a rise in income tax .

  18. 自从去年以来,政府一直是在2008财政年度预算水平上运作。

    Since last year , government operations have been running at2008 spending levels .

  19. 这导致年度预算赤字。

    That leaves a deficit in the annual budget .

  20. 看年度预算对你来说应该不是第一次了。

    You 're no neophyte at reading budgets either .

  21. 由各该管主管机关或乡(镇、市)公所编列年度预算。

    The annual budget compiled by each responsible authority or each township office .

  22. 那几位部长正在忙于制定年度预算。

    Those ministers are busy planning the annual budget .

  23. 协助制造部经理准备年度预算和成本控制。

    To assist the production Manager in preparing yearly budget and cost control .

  24. 但他们只能成功地不依赖年度预算的一半而已。

    But they only succeeded in taking away about half the annual budget .

  25. 供应信息支持的年度预算。

    Supply supporting information for the annual budget .

  26. 你做的本年度预算数字十分准确。

    Your budget figures were spot-on this year .

  27. 甲、本系年度预算执行之稽核。

    It should audit the departmental yearly budget .

  28. 政府向国会宣布年度预算报告。

    Government submitted the annual budget to congress .

  29. 国防开支通常占年度预算的大部分。

    The national defense expenditure always takes the lion 's share of the annual budget .

  30. 理事会审批由财务和行政委员会提交的年度预算。

    5The Council approves the annual budget , presented by the finance and administration committee .