
  • 网络Annually;nian de
  1. 甘肃地矿局近三年地勘费使用情况剖析

    An analysis of gansu 's use of geological prospecting funds

  2. 广州地域1999~2008年地闪密度图及雷电参数分析

    Analysis of Ground Flash Density and Lightning Parameters of Guangzhou in 1999 ~ 2008

  3. 1900~2000年地磁场及长期变化的空间功率谱分析

    The Spatial Power Spectrum of the Geomagnetic Field and Secular Variation for 1900 & 2000

  4. 经过十多年地发展,相关器件的制备和新材料体系的开发上有了明显进展。

    The device fabrication and meterials exploring had a significant progress in the last ten years .

  5. 其原因在于:近几年地勘投资不足,任务减少;

    Such state of affairs is thought to be the result of inadequate investment in prospecting and less tasks assigned in recent years ;

  6. 坚定信心奋发有为扎实工作全面完成2002年地勘经济改革与发展的各项任务

    To be Confident , Exert Ourselves to Work Hard , to Fully Carry Out the Reforms and Development of the Geological Survey Economy of 2002

  7. 但时间一周,一月,一年地流逝,这些沉重(却必要)的话题就变得越来越重要了。

    But as the weeks and months and years go on , it becomes more and more important to have those tough ( but necessary ) conversations .

  8. 分析了1960~2001年地处华北平原典型区的中国科学院生态系统网络站之一&栾城农业生态系统实验站42年的降水变化特征。

    Characteristics of the precipitation during 1960 ~ 2001 , at Luancheng Agro ~ ecosystem Station , the member of CERN ( China Ecosystem Research Network ), located at the North China Plain , was analyzed by statistic method .

  9. 本文根据这四个影响因素建立了地裂缝活动强度空间预测信息量模型,预测了2000年地裂缝活动强度总发展趋势。

    In this paper , the spatial information model of ground fissure activity intensity was worked out according to the above four factors , and the ground fissure activity intensity trend by the year 2000 was forecast by the model .

  10. 第四,2009年地王频现的背后,暴露出我国分税制下土地财政制度的弊端,这是解决当前土地问题的根本。

    Fourth , behind the high frequency of the King of land in 2009 , the abuses of the financial system of land under our tax sharing system have been exposed . This is the root of resolving the current land problems .

  11. 1979~1997年测地VLBI资料统计

    A statistics of geodetic VLBI observations from 1979 to 1997

  12. 美国学者Berle和Means于1932年系统地分析了在公众公司中存在的公司所有与公司经营相分离的现象后,在经济学和公司法学中都产生了重大的影响。

    In 1932 , Berle & Means systematically identified the separation of corporate ownership and management in public corporations .

  13. 现今,美联储(FederalReserve)对市场的“操纵”和“公共部门,即美国政府,极不负责任的态度和严重的误判”将使拉美国家在2012年不可避免地出现严重通胀。

    Now federal reserve market " manipulation " and the " incredible irresponsibility and bad judgment of the public sector " i.e. the U.S. government make banana republic inflation levels inevitable starting in 2012 .

  14. 开垦3年裸露地与林地相比,浅沟沟槽深度增加40~60cm;

    Compared reclaimed land after reclaimed 3 years with forest land , gully trough depth of shallow gully increases 40 ~ 60cm .

  15. 自Halliday于1976年系统地提出衔接理论之后,在语言学界引起了极大的兴趣,但对衔接和连贯也一直存在着争论。

    Halliday put forward the theory of cohesion and coherence in 1976 and hereafter it has attracted much attention of many linguists and also become a contentious topic in the field of textual linguistics .

  16. 患者5年远地转移发生率与腋窝淋巴结转移显著相关,而与肿瘤大小、组织学分级、ER、PR、年龄及绝经情况无关;

    In addition , the rate of 5-year distant metastases in this group was associated with axillary lymph node involvement . But it was not any association with tumor size , histologic grade , progesterone receptor , oestrogen receptor , age and menopause status .

  17. 模型(BJ)和国际地磁参考场模型(IGRF)从理论上计算并分析了1690年以来地磁场能量在地球内部的分布及长期变化。

    Jackson ( BJ ) and the International Geomagnetic Reference Field ( IGRF ), the distribution of geomagnetic field and its secular variation going back to 1690 year are calculated and analyzed theoretically .

  18. 哈里亚纳邦土地办公室高级官员阿肖像克・赫姆卡(AshokKhemka)对此项交易进行过调查,并得出结论称,瓦德拉的公司2008年买地时“没有足够的资源来支付”土地款项。

    A senior official at the Haryana state land office , Ashok Khemka , looked into the deal and concluded Mr. Vadra 's company ' did not own the resources to pay ' for the land when purchasing it in 2008 .

  19. 1992年沧州地市合并,河间市由沧州市代管。

    Cangzhou City in1992 to merge Hejian hosted by the Cangzhou City .

  20. 它于2007年成功地将微博推广成为大众流行的主流。

    It helped push Twitter into mainstream popularity in two thousand seven .

  21. 同时在1912年受宠地登上了该杂志的封面。

    and it graced the front cover of its magazine in 1912 .

  22. 2006年房地产业如何稳步发展

    How does the real estate industry develop with steady steps in 2006

  23. 1900年以来地磁场西向漂移的全球特征

    Global Changes of the Geomagnetic Westward Drift Since 1900

  24. 马尔科姆麦克拉伦在2000年竞选地伦敦市长。

    Malcolm McLaren stood for mayor of London in2000 .

  25. 但随后1993年安然无恙地过去了

    But then , 1993 passed without incident .

  26. 重庆市20年农用地变化遥感监测研究

    Research on the monitoring of agricultural land use change in Chongqing province using RS technology

  27. 1900&2000年亚洲地磁场长期变化

    Geomagnetic secular variation over Asia for 1900-2000

  28. 2000年中国地磁场及其长期变化冠谐分析

    Spherical cap harmonic analysis of the geomagnetic field and its secular variation in China for 2000

  29. 北天文台1988年日地联测中2840兆周太阳射电观测(英文)

    2840 MHz Solar Radio Observations During 1988 Solar-Terrestrial Spacial Joint-Observation at Beijing Astronomical Observatory ( BAO )

  30. 近20年华北地电阻率异常空间演化及强震短期前兆判别标志研究

    Study on the Spatial Evolution of Earth-Resistivity Anomaly and Its Short-term Precursor Symbol Mark of Strong Shock