
  • 网络Sing Along;sing;Chorus;Sing Together
  1. 跟着屏幕上的歌词一起唱。

    Read the on-screen lyrics and sing along .

  2. 歌曲播放时,我跟着一起唱,总会让我开心的笑。

    Song playing , I sing along , I always laugh .

  3. 我们一起唱了一首歌。

    We sang a song together .

  4. 我们一起唱了很多首歌。

    We did a bunch of songs together .

  5. 唱到副歌时,大家都跟着一起唱起来。

    Everyone joined in the chorus .

  6. 休息时,大家一起唱唱歌,娱乐娱乐。

    They sang songs to amuse themselves during the break .

  7. 他唱的曲调越来越高雅,能够跟他一起唱的人越来越少了。

    The more elegant his melody was , the fewer people could join him .

  8. 根据报道称,两位小女孩在演唱会上非常活跃,甚至还跟着碧昂斯一起唱LoveonTop。

    The youngest Obamas were animated and cheered during the show , and even sang along to Love on Top , according to the report .

  9. 根据报道称,两位小女孩在演唱会上非常活跃,甚至还跟着碧昂斯一起唱“LoveonTop”。

    The youngest Obamas were animated and cheered during the show , and even sang along to " Love on Top , " according to the report .

  10. 但是他没有像我一样和OD一起唱这首歌!

    But he ain 't on a OD song with me !

  11. 接着小家伙们一起唱起了BaBeBiBoBu。

    then the little ones sang all together the ba , be , bi , bo , bu .

  12. 我想Jerry有个隐形指挥棒,他根本不需要开口告诉我们和他一起唱。

    I think Jerry has an invisible baton that he need not verbally tell us to sing with him .

  13. 圣歌;欢乐的歌vt.唱赞美歌vi.唱赞歌人们在一起唱一首欢乐的歌。

    hymn The people joined together in singing a hymn .

  14. 我负责旋律和背景吉他部分,Tearguitar负责主音部分,我们会一起唱。

    I took charge in rhythm guitar and backing , tearguitar took charge in lead guitar , but we 're both singing together .

  15. 现在我要你们跟我一起唱好吗?

    Now I want you to sing with me , OK ?

  16. 让我们一起唱这首英文歌曲,好吗?

    Let us sing the English song together , will you ?

  17. 菲利普唱了第一节,然后大家就一起唱了起来。

    Philip sang the first verse and then everyone joined in .

  18. 让我们一起唱圣歌!听并跟着唱。

    Let 's Join the Chant ! Listen and chant along .

  19. 来跟我们一起唱首歌吧

    Hey , you should come and sing on a track .

  20. 人们一起唱圣歌一起祈祷的仪式。

    A service at which people sing hymns and pray together .

  21. 跟我一起唱,如果只为了今天。

    Sing with me , if it 's just for today .

  22. 还是想过来跟我一起唱?

    Oryou want to come over here and sing with me ?

  23. 我希望观众们今晚也会跟着我一起唱。

    Hopefully , America will be singing along to it tonight .

  24. 9点钟的时候,她们停下来一起唱一支歌。

    Then at nine oclock they stopped to sing a song .

  25. 让我们一起唱关于一星期中的各天的歌!

    Let 's sing the days of the week together !

  26. 让我们手拉手一起唱这首歌!

    Let us sing the song hand in hand together !

  27. 汤姆唱独唱部分,然后大家一起唱合唱部分。

    Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus .

  28. 来吧我们一起唱出来大伙

    Come on , let 's sing it . Everyone .

  29. 刘翔喜欢唱歌。他常和朋友一起唱。

    Liu Xiang likes singing and he often sings with his friends .

  30. 我跟她一起唱了2年。

    And I was with her for about two years .