
yī zhòu yè
  • Day and night;nychthemeron;nycthemeron
一昼夜[yī zhòu yè]
  1. CO2排放量在一昼夜内具明显的变化规律性,这种规律主要是受温度变化控制的。

    The daily amount of released CO 2 changes regularly because it is mainly controlled by temperature change .

  2. 单核花粉粒在一昼夜中的发生频率与花药长短有关,3~4mm的高于4~5mm的;

    The freguency of monocyte pollen grain in a day and night has relation to the length of anther , it 's 3 ~ 4mm > 4 ~+ 5mm .

  3. 应用放射免疫法,测定生长期大鼠在正常生长及向后牵引下颌时,一昼夜内每4h髁突内源性前列腺素E2(PGE2)的含量变化,以探讨其昼夜节律。

    This study examines the circadian rhythm changes of growing rats condylar endogenous PGE2 of stroke assessed every 4 hours for 24 hours by RIA ( radio immunoassary ) on the condylar growth and adaptation during the mandibular retractive force .

  4. 在同一昼夜温差处理条件下,随着处理时间的延长,从处理结束到植株开花所用的时间缩短。

    The period from the finish of treatment to plant flowering was shorter .

  5. 为及时完成待交付的定货,整个班组连续工作了一昼夜。

    The whole group worked round the clock to complete the order on time .

  6. 昨天他连续工作了一昼夜。

    He worked round the clock yesterday .

  7. 所有的这些周期被人们统称为昼夜节律,一般以24小时一昼夜为一个循环。

    Collectively , these cycles are known as circadian rhythms and are generally tied to the24-hour day-night cycle .

  8. 在室内条件下,若虫排蜜量与昼夜节律有关,夜间排蜜量为一昼夜的2/3。

    The amount of honeydew excretion is influenced by the rhythm of day and night and by temperature .

  9. 一昼夜根系水势呈现出降-升-降-升有规律的变化;

    The diurnal change of water potential and water content of roots at dry side opposed to the transpiration .

  10. “24小时”日历可用于为一昼夜内不同的班次安排资源和任务日程,或者连续安排设备资源的日程。

    The24 hours calendar can be used to schedule resources and tasks for different shifts around the clock , or to schedule equipment resources continuously .

  11. 伊阿古他喝醉了酒总要睡觉;要是没有酒替他催眠,他可以一昼夜睡不著觉。

    Iago . 'Tis evermore the prologue to his sleep : He 'll watch the horologe a double set , If drink rock not his cradle .

  12. 一昼夜中各时间段录下的标记数,确切地显示耗氧量的分布动态。

    A whole set of signs that recorded within day and night will be shown the dynamic distribution of the animal 's oxygen consumption through that period .

  13. 金星的白昼和黑夜各为五十九日,即金星的一昼夜相当于地球上一百一十七天。

    The days and nights of Venus are59 days each , that is to say , a day and night of Venus corresponds to117 days of the earth .

  14. 他先于释迦牟尼佛圆寂,上生兜率天(那儿一昼夜,相当于人间四百年)内院,为补处菩萨。

    He died before Sakyamuni and ascended to the adytum of Tusita heaven as the following Bodhisattva , where a day equals four hundred years of the our world .

  15. 为及时完成待交付的定货,整个班组连续工作了一昼夜。这样一大笔巨款的交易能完成,只是因为交易的货币是用支票方式来转拨的。

    The whole group worked round the clock to complete the order on time . This amount of business can be done only because the money involved is transferred by means of checks .

  16. 在有些情况下,各项设备一昼夜的能力与其承担的车流量可能是适应的,但在不同时段仍然表现出能力的紧张与不足,不同设备的相互作用及影响使得枢纽能力更加复杂难断。

    The carrying capacity all day of every device probable adapt to traffic flow of the device undertake , but it still display tension and lack of capacity in different periods , meanwhile the interaction and impact of different devices make the carrying capacity much more complex .

  17. 根据一个昼夜变化规律,在草原植物生长季节,09:00-10:00和16:00-17:00两个时间段的温室气体通量值的平均值可以代表24小时周期时的平均值。

    On a diurnal flux basis , the average GHG emission over two time intervals of 9:00-10:00 AM and 16:00-17:00 PM can be representative for the diurnal period in plant growing season .

  18. 家兔睡眠一觉醒的昼夜节律&电生理学与行为的研究

    Circadian sleep - waking patterns in the rabbit-an electrophysiological and behavioral study

  19. 研究人员称,这个发现表明,例如不规律的光线或者其他公鸡的打鸣声等外部信息会降低一只公鸡昼夜节律的准确性。

    The researchers say this observation suggests that external information , such as irregular light or the sound of other roosters , can weaken a rooster 's Circadian rhythm .

  20. 人类被限制在24小时的循环内,不仅仅是被日夜限制其中,大脑中还有一种叫昼夜节律钟的计时器约束着我们。

    How Its Internal Clock Is Read , Knows Reindeer Humans are pegged to a 24-hour cycle . We 're locked into it not just by day and night & there 's the master timepiece in the brain called the circadian clock .

  21. 因此,孔雀血浆17β-E2测定值在一天内随昼夜变化,且呈现一定的规律波动。

    Change of value of plasma 17 β - E2 on blue peacock has a regular rhythm during day and night .

  22. 结果表明,蒙古羊一年四季的昼夜行为活动节律和牧食行为不同。

    The feed intake and water intake of Mongolia sheep and palatability indices of various plants grazed by the sheep were measured .

  23. 把时间提前一小时破坏了昼夜节律,尤其是在更改后几天,太阳依旧在相同的时间升起。

    Moving the time ahead an hour does a number on circadian rhythms , particularly in the days immediately after the change when the sun still comes up around the same time .

  24. 拉尔森说,据估计,使用苹果的默认加密方案,“你必须有一台超级计算机昼夜不停的运转很多年,才能解锁一台计算机。”

    Mr. Larson said that by some estimates , with the default encryption scheme that Apple uses , " you 'd have to have a supercomputer crunching day and night for years to be able to unlock a single computer . "

  25. 提出一个浮游动物昼夜垂直迁移的风险收益模型,其迁移运动的动力来自于浮游动物获取风险收益的最大值,即以尽可能小的死亡代价获取尽可能多的食物。

    A model of venturous revenue for diel vertical migration ( DVM ) of zooplankton is developed , which is motivated by zooplankter chasing the maximum value of venturous revenue , i.e. , cropping as much food at as less cost of mortality as possible .

  26. 一天24时昼夜节律中白班开工后1-2小时是员工事故行为心理高发时段。市场经济条件下低年龄、低工龄、低文化等三低员工是事故高暴露群体。

    Within a 24-hour rhythm the first 2 hours , after starting work is the psychologically psychologically high risk period for the workers at a young age , with low literacy , and of low degree of seniority are more likely to have fatal accidents .

  27. 昼夜节律是古人总结出的各种时间节律中的一种,各种疾病在一昼夜中加重或减轻都有一定的规律。

    Circadian rhythm is one of all kinds of the time rhythm which concluded by the ancients , aggravation or reducing of various diseases is according to the rule in a day and night .

  28. 思念,是一种永恒,它像一盏不分昼夜亮着的灯,总是闪耀在你流动的思绪里。

    Yearning is a kind of eternity like a light burning day and night shining in your flowing thought .

  29. 整个铜球可以绕一根金属轴转动,转动一周代表一个昼夜。球面与金属轴相交于两点:北天极和南天极。

    The sphere is mounted by its poles ( corresponding to the celestial poles ) on a metal axis , and can rotate around it .