
  • 网络Tourist Areas Planning;tourism area plan;tourism area planning
  1. 试论旅游区规划投资估算编制方法

    On the Method of Investment Estimation of Tourism Region Planning

  2. 主题形象是旅游区规划的核心。

    Theme image is the key point for the tourist zone planning .

  3. 生态旅游区规划中的生态保护与经济效益问题研究

    A Research on Eco-environment Protection and Economic Benefit in the Eco-tourism Park Planning

  4. 何必丝与竹山水有清音&峨嵋山龙洞风景旅游区规划设计

    Planning of Dragon Cave Tourist Spot in Emei Mountain

  5. 自然风景旅游区规划设计的环境理念初探

    Research on the Environment Idea of Planning and Design in Natural Scenery Tour Area

  6. 旅游区规划与策划案例。

    Case studies of tourism planning ii .

  7. 道路系统规划是旅游区规划设计的核心内容之一。

    The road system planning is one of the core contents of tourist area planning and designing .

  8. 旅游区规划投资估算是地方政府决策的重要依据之一,具有按工程构成分部组合计价、经济指标的个别性、建设周期长、投资金额大、分阶段实施等特点。

    The investment estimation of tourism region planning is a fundamental base for the decision making of local government .

  9. 将生态设计观念贯注规划设计实践,是葫芦山风景旅游区规划的一个有益尝试。

    It is a good attempt of Hulu Mountain Scenic Tourist District Planning to put the eec-design idea into practice .

  10. 经实践证明,将营销理念应用到旅游区规划的过程中是完全可行和必要的。

    The practice has proved to that the entire possibility and necessity that the marketing ' concept applies to the process of the tour areas ' planning .

  11. 本文记述了沙家浜芦苇荡风景旅游区规划设计中如何通过对风景地域特色的重构与再现,使其在满足现代旅游的需求中延续生命与活力的思索。

    This article explores how to continue the vitality of the regional feature of landscape through reconstructing the elements of regional landscape in the plan of the reed shoal in shajiabang .

  12. 今后的研究要处理好开发与保护两者间的矛盾,将景观生态学的观点应用到旅游区规划和保护之中。

    In future , the study should deal with the contradiction between exploitation and protection , and the idea of landscape ecology should also be applied in scenic spot planning and its protection .

  13. 民族文化旅游区规划应考虑规划方法和规划内容的整合,地方性的塑造是其规划成败的关键。

    Consideration should be given to the conformity of method and content of planning in the planning of national cultural tourist attraction . The regional creation is the key to the success of the planning .

  14. 再次,从营销的过程及相关理论出发,提出了旅游区规划的技术路线及旅游区规划的支持保障措施与策略。

    Thirdly , it starts with the marketing process and the related theory , and come up with the technique route of the tour areas ' planning , and the Travel plan for the support of the security measures and strategies .

  15. 以往的旅游区规划多以资源为基础、以市场为导向进行规划设计,即使有关于旅游市场营销规划的内容,也是侧重于营销的销。

    The elderly tour areas ' planning makes more use of resources , based on market ' guidance in planning and design . Even if there are some contents of relevant marketing planning , also focused on the " selling " of the sales .

  16. 基于MapInfo的旅游区旅游规划系列图制作研究

    Fabrication of serial tourism plan map based on Map Info

  17. 长沙洗心禅寺旅游风景区规划的思考

    On the planning of Xixin temple tourism scenic spot in Changsha

  18. 旅游功能区规划优化模式设计研究

    Research Towards the Optimization of the Tourism Functional Area Planning Pattern

  19. 浅谈天津海滨休闲旅游区景观规划

    Introduction on Coastal Resort of Leisure and Tourism Landscape Design

  20. 论滨海旅游度假区规划中的资源保护与开发

    The Protection and Development of Resources in the Coastal Tourism Resort Design

  21. 包头市固阳秦长城旅游区景观规划研究

    Plan of Tourism Area Landscape of Qin Great Wall at Guyang County

  22. 基于地方人文资源背景下的旅游度假区规划设计浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of Tourist Resorts under the Background of Local Humanity Resources

  23. 重庆白云湖旅游开发区规划设计研究

    Research into the Site Plan of Baiyun Tourist Development Area , Chongqing

  24. 基于季节性特征考虑的旅游度假区规划策略探讨

    Study on planning strategies of tourist holiday resort area focusing on seasonality problem

  25. 清远市白庙渔村旅游区总体规划设想

    Imagination on the master tourist planning of Baimiao fishing village in Qingyuan City

  26. 天开胜景巧筑营构&葫芦山风景旅游区生态规划设计析要

    Analyse The Ecological Plan of Hulu Mountain Scenic Spot

  27. 浅析生态旅游区的规划与发展&以宁夏生态旅游区为例

    A study on development and planning of ecotourism district & Take the Ningxia 's ecotourism district for example

  28. 开阳县十里画廊乡村旅游区绿化规划探析

    Discussion on the Afforestation Plan of " Ten-mile Decorated Corridor " Village Tourist Area in Kaiyang County of Guizhou Province

  29. 山地生态旅游度假区规划&以深圳东部华侨城生态旅游区为例

    Planning of Resort for Ecological Tourism in Mountainous Areas : A Case of Ecological Tourism Resort in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town

  30. 城市旅游度假区规划设计探索&以广州大夫山旅游度假区为例

    On the Planning and Design of Urban Tourist Holiday Resorts & Take the Tourist Holiday Resorts of Daifu Mountains in Guangzhou for Example