
  1. 只要左腿一受力,他就会疼得龇牙咧嘴。

    Every time he put any weight on his left leg he winced in pain

  2. 利用CAE技术,对一受集中荷载作用的矩形板依次进行拓扑设计和尺寸优化的计算与分析,最后得到给定条件下的合理结构。

    With the help of CAE tool , this paper , in turn , proceed to the topology optimization and size optimization to a rectangle plate bearing the focus load , and finally getting the reasonable structure under given conditions .

  3. 实验表明,VB2在玻碳电极上的电极过程为一受吸附和扩散同时控制的准可逆过程。

    The experimental results indicate that the electrode process of VB 2 on the glass carbon electrode is a quasi reversible process with absorption and diffusion .

  4. 双供肝一受者肝脏移植手术操作复杂。

    But the complicated surgical technique give a great challenge for liver transplant surgeons .

  5. 大同盆地是一受北东向主干断裂控制的不对称地堑盆地。

    The Datong Basin is an unsymmetrical graben , the main controlling fault of which runs north east .

  6. 基于生理化学指标的分析和基于兴趣带的评估被用于不同受试者分析和同一受试者临床不同表现之间关系的分析。

    Voxel-based analyses as well as region of interest – based methods were used for between-subject analysis and within-subject correlation analysis with respect to clinical variables .

  7. 本文计算了劣腔内一受压缩真空光场驱动的二能级原子的荧光光谱及共二阶关联函数。

    The fluorescence spectrum and the second order correlation function of a two-level atom driven by a squeezed vacuum light in a bad-cavity limit are investigated .

  8. 这将对中国银行业这一受政策高度保护、开放程度较低的行业形成强烈冲击。

    It will to become the mightiness impact to Chinese state-owned banking that have been in the high protecting degree and in the lower opening degree being .

  9. 这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料。

    This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite .

  10. 他们应当享有上帝赋予每一个受造物的尊严。

    They should be treated with the dignity proper to all individuals created by God .

  11. 这一装置受专利保护。

    The device was protected by patent .

  12. 警察们有一种受围心态,这使得他们脱离了所服务的群众。

    Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served

  13. 除了一小组受薪员工外,这个组织里都是不领报酬的志愿者。

    Apart from a small team of paid staff , the organisation consists of unpaid volunteers .

  14. 一个受酒瘾折磨的酗酒者怎样才能进入这样一家医院呢?很遗憾,这种医院并不多。

    How does a suffering alcoholic get into one of these hospitals ? Sad to say , there are not very many of them around

  15. 那是一个受虐待妇女的庇护所。

    It 's a shelter for battered women .

  16. 他是一个受欢迎的客人。

    He was a welcome guest .

  17. 然后是在青春期出现的一种受欢迎的状态:由权力和甚至不光彩的行为所产生的地位。

    Then there 's the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence : status born of power and even dishonorable behavior .

  18. 事实上,当今许多青少年比上一代受教育程度更高,更有创造力。

    The fact is that many of today 's teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations .

  19. 骆驼的潜水之旅是南西奈一个受欢迎的景观

    Camel diving safaris are a popular attraction in South Sinai .

  20. 大一新生受各种嘲弄,但是他们对这种入门经验甘之如饴

    University freshmen get lots of razzing , but they like the initiation .

  21. 他生在一个受较高教育就被认为是奢侈的社会环境里。

    He was born in a social milieu where further education was a luxury .

  22. 格林纳达独特的地形布局包括许多手指状的洞穴,使得这个岛屿成为一个受人欢迎的航海地

    Grenada 's unique layout includes many finger-like coves , making the island a popular destination .

  23. 佛罗里达州是一个受欢迎的疫苗旅游目的地,该州优先考虑为65岁及以上人群接种,而且接种疫苗的其他资格要求不甚清晰,吸引了各地的游客赶来接种。

    Florida is a popular vaccine tourism destination due to the high priority given to those aged requirements that attracted travelers from all over to take advantage of Florida 's vaccine rollout .

  24. 一个受感染的病人的患病时间为K天,在此期间病人有感染其他病人的可能性。

    An infected patient remains sick for K days , during which time the patient may infect other patients .

  25. A是一个受B影响的某物,如果你不喜欢B对A的影响,你不想再用A了

    A is something that B has an effect on and if you dont like what B does to A , you dont want to use A anymore

  26. Ajax是一个受基于XML的请求和响应服务器调用模型驱动的UI功能和概念的框架。

    Ajax is a framework of UI capabilities and concepts driven by an XML-based request and response server invocation model .

  27. 心脏瓣膜发育是一个受多条信号通路精确调控的复杂过程,其中Ras信号通路扮演着相当重要的角色。

    Heart valve development is precisely regulated by multiple signaling pathways in which Ras pathway plays an important role .

  28. servlet类还确保在请求到达action类时,它通过一个受保护的servlet路径(/myatom)。

    The servlet class also ensures that when the request reaches the action class it is over a protected servlet path ( / myatom ) .

  29. 另一只受欢迎的基金是JupiterEmergingEuropeanOpportunities,该基金在俄罗斯有些投资,此外还实行多样化,投资于更广泛地区的投资机遇。

    Another popular fund is the Jupiter Emerging European Opportunities fund , which offers some exposure to Russia but also diversification by investing in the wider region 's investment opportunities .

  30. 其次基于DSP及主动控制理论设计了一套受电弓主动控制系统。

    The basic characteristics of the real pantograph can be simulated . Secondly , a set of pantograph active control system is designed based on the DSP and the active control theory .