
  • 网络basic solutions;system of fundamental solutions;basic system of solutions;fundamental system of solutions
  1. 共轭分子简并能级波函数的基础解系求算法

    A Basic Solutions Method of Calculating Wave Function of Degenerate Energy Level for Conjugated Molecule

  2. 给出求以已知一组线性无关的向量为基础解系的齐次线性方程组的方法。

    This note presents a method to solve a homogeneous system of linear equations by giving linear independent vectors as a system of basic solutions .

  3. 证得非交换主理想整环R上右齐次线性方程组基础解系存在定理,给出R上右线性方程组解的表示。

    This paper proves the existence theorem of the system of basic solutions for the right homogeneous linear equation sets over a non-commutative principal ideal domain R and gives the representation of the solutions for the right linear equation sets over R.

  4. 采用组合电路Hopfield模型,通过相容状态建立的齐次线性方程组的基础解系,提出了组合电路最优Hopfield模型存在性的实用判定方法,并给出了计算实例。

    By use of Hopfield model and basis solution of homogeneous linear equations which are established in accordance with consistent state , a practical decision method for the existence of optimal Hopfield model of combinational circuits is provided . Finally , several examples are given .

  5. 齐次线性方程组正交的基础解系的一种简便求法

    A Simple Method for the Orthogonal Fundamental Solution of Homogeneous Linear Equation System

  6. 齐次线性方程组的基础解系的一些性质

    Some Properties of a Basic System of Solutions in a System of Homogeneous Linear Equations

  7. 本文给出了刊用分块矩阵得出齐次线性方程组基础解系的简单方法。

    This paper presents a simple method of giving a fundamental systemof linear homogeneous systems .

  8. 本文讨论用矩阵的初等变换求得基础解系的另一种方法,使基础解系隐含在一个矩阵之中。

    This paper discussed a new solution to homogeneous linear equations , hiding basic solutions in a matrix .

  9. 给出了求齐次线性方程组正交的基础解系的一个简便方法和一个应用实例。

    A simple method for the orthogonal fundamental solution of homogeneous linear equation system and the example in its application are given .

  10. 文章用矩阵理论得出几个新结论,从而应用新结论得出基础解系的一种算法。

    We get some new conclusions by the matrix theory , then it gives a computational method about the system of fundamental solutions .

  11. 在非齐次线性方程组中引入基础解系的概念,并在此基础上进一步讨论了解的结构,以及基础解系间的过渡矩阵。

    This paper introduces the concept of basic system of solutions for the nonhomogeneous linear equation set , and further discusses its structure and transition matrix .

  12. 采用逆向思维的方法,从方程组的通解或基础解系出发,讨论方程组的构造,给出了一般性的方法,并例举了应用举例。

    By adopting the reverse thinking , the structure of a system of equations is discussed in light of its general solution or basic solution series . A general method is given , with its application illustrated by examples .