
  • 网络Tikal;Tikal, Guatemala
  1. 但是无论看不到火山的蒂卡尔还是其他低地城市都不清楚有没有类似的神化事件。

    But whether temples at Tikal where no volcanoes were visible and other lowland cities were similarly inspired is unclear .

  2. 人们在蒂卡尔的石头上发现了许多人物肖像,舞蹈人物,动物,王室,神只和祭司的图案。

    At Tikal , drawings carved into the stone show portraits , dancing figures , animals , thrones , gods , and priests .

  3. 从古老殖民地弗洛雷斯省的鹅软石街道到壮美的玛雅遗迹蒂卡尔,危地马拉之旅十分安全而且费用不高。

    From the cobblestone streets of colonial Flores to the imposing Mayan ruins of Tikal , Peten offers an affordable and safe alternative for visitors to Guatemala .