
  • 网络Thiel;TEAL;Tear;Tiel;Teel
  1. 眼下,她将重点放在了《阿布尼和蒂尔》上,这是一部充满怀旧情绪的动画系列片。

    Now her focus is on Abney & teal , an animated series laden with nostalgia .

  2. 根据蒂尔集团的数据,对最大型公务飞机的需求在金融危机后一直保持强劲。

    Demand for the very largest corporate jets has remained robust since the financial crisis , according to Teal figures .

  3. 蒂尔有说俏皮话的本事。

    Till has a knack of saying funny things .

  4. 在挪威神话里,有一个神名叫蒂尔(TRY)。

    In Norse mythology , there was a god named Tyr .

  5. 蒂尔恰好也是Facebook董事会成员。

    Mr. Thiel , as it happens , is a Facebook board member .

  6. Facebook方面拒绝就蒂尔一事做出评论。

    Facebook declined to comment on Mr. Thiel .

  7. HamptonCreek的投资者包括科斯拉创投(KhoslaVentures)、比尔?盖茨(BillGates)和彼得?蒂尔(PeterThiel)的创达基金(FoundersFund)。

    Hampton Creek 's investors include Khosla Ventures , Bill Gates , and Peter Thiel 's Founders Fund .

  8. 库卡的首席执行官蒂尔•罗伊特(TillReuter)本月表示,总部位于中国华南地区的美的拥有“非常有意思的业务”。

    Till Reuter , Kuka chief executive , said this month the South China group had " a very interesting operation . "

  9. 对于蒂尔来说,采取行动反对Gawker可能是一着好棋。

    For Mr. Thiel , taking action against Gawker may be a win .

  10. Valleywag挑战了这种方式,而硅谷——至少是蒂尔——做出了反击。

    Valleywag challenged that , and the Valley - or at least Mr. Thiel - pushed back .

  11. Gawker目前正在上诉。本周,蒂尔参与该案件的事实被披露,使硅谷与媒体之间的复杂关系再次备受关注。

    The revelation of Mr. Thiel 's involvement in the suit this week brings the complicated relationship of Silicon Valley and the media once again to the forefront .

  12. 揭露名人隐私的做法由来已久,且并不特别受人尊敬,但是Valleywag说,它是在赞美蒂尔先生。

    Outing famous people has a long and not particularly respectable history , but Valleywag said it was celebrating Mr. Thiel .

  13. 虽然Valleywag说自己敬仰蒂尔是“世界上最聪明的副主席”,但还是发表了不少贬低他的言论。

    However much Valleywag said it admired Mr. Thiel for being " the smartest V.C. in the world , " it took a more disparaging view as well .

  14. 蒂尔资助诉讼Gawker案件一事爆出时,此前一场硅谷与媒体关系的争论正在逐渐平息——这场争论是由Gawker旗下的另一个网站Gizmodo的报道挑起的,内容是Facebook是如何操纵用户看到的新闻。

    The news about Mr. Thiel funding the suit against Gawker broke just as the previous contretemps about Silicon Valley and the media - how Facebook shapes the news that its users see , sparked by a story in Gizmodo , another Gawker property - was dying down .

  15. 曾经短暂为Valleywag撰稿的丹·里昂斯(DanLyons)说,蒂尔的确“树立了一个可怕的先例,”但是“我猜大多数人和他一样憎恨Gawker,所以最后他可能会在自己的圈子里被视为英雄。”

    Dan Lyons , an author who was briefly a Valleywag writer , said what Mr. Thiel did " sets a scary precedent , " but " my guess is that most people hate Gawker as much as he does , so he probably ends up looking like a hero among his own crowd . "

  16. 然而招来的却是蒂尔先生的愤怒。

    And what it unleashed was Mr. Thiel 's ire .

  17. 迪拜环球港务集团在英国也拥有一些港口,如位于埃塞克斯的蒂尔布利港。

    DP World also owns ports in Britain such as Tilbury in Essex .

  18. 文化广场位于柏林市中心的蒂尔加滕区,紧邻波茨坦广场。

    The Kulturforum is located in the middle of Berlin , nearby Potsdamer Plaza .

  19. 和俄罗斯调情,肯定会引起欧元区其他成员国的反感,蒂尔福德说。

    Flirting with Russia is guaranteed to antagonize the rest of the eurozone , Mr. Tilford said .

  20. 荷兰蒂尔煲大学的拉梅尔博士和美国西北大学的格林斯基博士亲自测试该设想。

    Dr. Lammers from Tilburg University and Dr. Galinsky at Northwestern University tested this hypothesis for themselves .

  21. 莫斯科方面可以提供少量资金帮助希腊度过困难时期,蒂尔福德说。

    Moscow could provide a little bit of funding to tide over the Greeks , Mr. Tilford said .

  22. 她的儿子,子爵蒂尔康奈,给了萨维奇一处住所并每年给他200英镑作为封口费。

    Her son , Viscount Tyrconnell , gave him a home and 200 a year for his silence .

  23. 布尔本和蒂尔都是首席执行官托斯滕?海恩斯招来的,而他自己也在三周前就离职了。

    Both boulben and tear were recruited by chief executive Thorsten Heins , who left the company three weeks earlier .

  24. 自然散文的典范,生态思潮的先驱&蒂尔《冬日漫游》中的生态意识

    A Pioneer Work in Ecological Trend of Thoughts as Well as an Apotheosis of Nature Prose : The Ecological Consciousness in Teale 's Wandering Through Winter

  25. 《纽约时报》上周六曾报道,蒂尔要拿出125万美元资金支持特朗普的竞选,尽管其他支持者正在撤离。

    The New York Times reported on Saturday that Mr Thiel is giving $ 1.25 million to support Mr Trump 's candidacy even as other supporters flee .

  26. 不过,设在伦敦的欧洲改革中心的首席经济学家西蒙.蒂尔福德说,真正的改革并不只是议会投票这一件事。

    But Simon Tilford , chief economist for the London-based Center for European Reform , says true reform is going to take more than just a parliamentary vote .

  27. 蒂尔的《冬日漫游》既是美国当代自然散文的典范,又是当代生态思潮的先驱之一。

    Edwin Way Teale 's Wandering Through WinterWinter is not only an apotheosis of contemporary American nature prose but also a pioneer work in contemporary ecological trend of thoughts .

  28. 11月25日,黑莓宣布布尔本将离职,与他同时离开的还有首席运营官克里斯蒂安?蒂尔和首席财务官布莱恩?比杜尔卡,后者是黑莓的资深高管。

    On November 25 , blackberry announced boulben will leave the company along with chief operating officer Kristian tear and chief financial officer Brian bidulka , a longtime BlackBerry exec .

  29. 亚当斯赞同蒂尔的做法,“我觉得他的目的不仅仅是报复,也是为了让这个世界变成一个更好的地方。”

    Mr. Adams wrote approvingly of Mr. Thiel , " I assume he is acting out of a combination of revenge and a desire to make the world a better place . "

  30. 《色彩观点》杂志的编辑卡洛琳?蒂尔说:“在当前这种充满不确定的时代,政治和社会剧变已然成为常态,我们渴求绿色的舒缓宁静,它和自然轮回的确定性的关联让人感到安心。”

    Caroline Till , Editor of Viewpoint color Magazine , said : " In these uncertain times , where political and social upheaval has become the norm , we crave the calming tranquility of green and its association with the reassuring certainty of nature 's cycles . "