
  • 网络Army groups of Japan;Theater
  1. 当地时间5月15日,世界胡须锦标赛在挪威特隆赫姆举行,来自世界各地15个国家的163名“美髯公”选手参赛,展示五花八门的胡须造型。数届世界胡子锦标赛冠军艾尔马•韦斯再次赢得大赛总冠军。

    Multiple winner of the beard world championship , Elmar Weisser , became the winner again in World Beard and Moustache Championships in Trondheim , Norway , on May 15 . Some 163 contestants from 15 countries took take part in and demonstrated multiple shapes of beard .

  2. 1926年夏,当北伐军总司令蒋介石率军从广东进入两湖以来,其军事和政治地位均受到严峻挑战,处境十分艰难。

    Since the Northern Expedition force led by the commander-in-chief Chiang Kai-Shek came to Hunan and Hubei from Guangdong in 1926 summer , its military and political status was seriously challenged which put it in harsh situation .

  3. 中华全国总工会官员郭军周三在一次会议上表示,富士康让工人长时间加班,违反了劳动法。

    Guo Jun , an official at the All China Federation of Trade Unions ( ACFTU ), said at a conference on Wednesday that Foxconn was violating the labour law by having its workers do massive overtime .