
zǒnɡ tǐ zhàn lüè
  • overall strategy;total strategy
  1. SX软件公司总体战略研究

    Total Strategy Research of SX Software Company

  2. 第四,在外部环境和内部条件分析的基础上,根据SWOT表推导出总体战略,制定GD公司使命、目标;

    Fourth , on the basis of the thing that external environment condition and inside condition are analysed , derive out the total strategy according to SWOT form , make GD Company 's mission , goal ;

  3. 最后,选择GD公司总体战略的实施类型和实施措施。

    Finally , choose GD Company 's overall implementation type and enforcement measure .

  4. 您应该基于从您的总体战略远景和当前SOA成熟度级别得出的要求来选择该入口点。

    You should choose that entry point based on the requirements derived from your overall strategic vision and current level of SOA maturity .

  5. 在分析公司面临的机会与威胁的基础上,运用SWOT综合整理出公司的总体战略态势。

    Following the analysis of GAMECO 's opportunities and threats and the use of SWOT method , general strategy situation is organized .

  6. 企业CI战略不是一般的管理工程,也不仅仅是视觉传达设计,更不是仅仅为企业装潢门面,而是企业总体战略的重要组成部分。

    Corporate Identity Strategies are not common management , or only the design of vision-convey , nor merely beautifying the corporate , but the important parts of the corporate general strategies .

  7. 之后,根据TOWS分析结果,确定公司的总体战略目标。

    After that , based on SWOT analysis result , it established the overall strategic aim .

  8. 文中对江苏某矿业公司MIS的总体战略目标、总体结构设计、功能设计、数据库设计和开发方法等方面进行了详细地描述。

    This paper gives a detailed description of the MIS of a mining corporation in Jiangsu Province including its general goal , general structure and functional design , database design and development methods etc.

  9. 最后,以企业人才战略管理相关基础理论为指导,针对其存在的问题,为公司提出人才总体战略,建立了企业人力素质模型,并以HM软件公司人力资源实际案例进行分析。

    Finally , based on the problems and the cases in HM HR management , we set up the corporate talent quality model , guiding with relative strategic theory .

  10. JF有限公司的总体战略是立足湖南、走向全国、最终实现国际化。

    JF co. , LTD. , the overall strategy is based on the hunan , to national , finally realize internationalization .

  11. 根据大陆桥集团以现代物流为主的经济特点,运用BCG法选择总体战略模式采取同心多元化战略。

    According to the economic features that Continent Bridge Group makes the modern goods distribution as the main , the thesis applies the method of BCG to select general strategy pattern and adopt centripetal diversity strategy .

  12. 最后以昆明铁路局为实例,运用SWOT理论和研究方法进行深入分析,提出关于多元化经营发展总体战略、工作重点和主要措施的意见建议。

    Finally using Kunming railway as an example , and the theory and research method of SWOT to make analysis of the development diversified management , and map out the general strategy , and the main measures of opinion suggestion .

  13. 第四,根据作者的经验和战略管理原理,利用SWOT分析法,制定了切合中国PVD涂层市场特点和巴尔查斯公司自身情况的企业发展总体战略,以及实现该总体战略所需要采取的措施。

    Then according to the experience of the author and the strategic management principle , using SWOT tool , the future general development strategy which marches the China PVD coating marketing and Balzers company situation is formulated .

  14. 根据对企业外部环境分析和企业竞争力的分析,SWOT分析的结果,本文建设性地提出了廊坊包装设备制造总公司的战略目标及总体战略并制定了相应措施。

    According to the result of the outer environment analysis 、 competition analysis 、 SWOT analysis and the relativity analysis , this paper puts forwards a strategic object and strategic plan as a proposal and describes the related measures for the company .

  15. 在外部环境分析和内部条件分析的基础上,用SWOT矩阵分析了S园林公司备选战略,明确了公司的总体战略、使命、目标、竞争战略和商业模式。

    On the basis of analysis of the external environment and internal conditions , it analyzes the alternative strategies of S-landscape Company via SWOT matrix analysis and have definite an overall strategy , mission , objectives , competitive strategies and business models .

  16. 无论是声誉,还是股价,惠普都已遭遇重创,因为它无法清晰地阐明其转型的总体战略,也无法证明,它计划以103亿美元收购软件公司Autonomy在商业上到底意义何在。

    The company has suffered hits both to its reputation and its stock price due to its inability to clearly articulate its overall shift in strategy and its failure to demonstrate that its plan to buy software company autonomy for approximately $ 10.3 billion makes business sense .

  17. 运用SWOT对内、外部环境进行综合分析后,本文得出结论:为了实现其既定的经营目标,JS油脂公司在公司总体战略层面应该选择发展型战略。

    With SWOT analytical method ( strength , weakness , opportunity and threat ), the conclusion can be summed : In order to realize its intended operational aim , JS lipin plant should choose development strategy from the total corporate strategy angle .

  18. 全球不同国家的MBA学员可利用该课程的模拟系统经历企业经营的主要过程:总体战略的制定及实施、生产和研发职能战略、产品销售职能战略以及财务职能战略的决策和实施。

    Utilizing the simulating system , student from different countries in the world are experiencing the main management process of large enterprises : establishment and implementation of the overall strategy ; the decision-making and implement of the functional strategies for production , research and development , product sales and finance .

  19. 由于受母公司总体战略的影响,PSBS公司完全套用松下在日本的管理模式,并没有真正做到中日双方的优势互补。

    Being influenced by parent company 's global strategy , PSBS applied completely Matsushita-styled managing model in Japan , which couldn 't make full use of the advantages of both sides .

  20. 随后制定了CINtel公司总体战略框架,提出基于差别化的市场聚焦战略,资源投资战略。

    Then an overall strategic framework is developed based on differentiation of the market focused strategy , as well as strategic investment of resources .

  21. 使用价值树方法,将该公司的总体战略指标分解到各个部门、各个岗位;通过关键绩效指标(KPI)的选择,建立了部门和个人的绩效考核指标体系;

    Then use the method named Value Tree tc make the enterprise strategy mission decomposed to every department and post , establish the system of performance management index by select KPI , and use Moon Chart to estimate the weight of index in order to ensure assessment emphasis .

  22. 然后对XT公司所面临的内外部环境,利用相关分析工具进行了细致地分析,在此基础上,提出了XT公司的发展目标以及包括总体战略、业务战略、职能战略三个层次的企业战略规划。

    In the article , several popular strategic planning analysis tools were introduced as well . Through a detailed analysis on the internal and external environment which XT is facing , a strategic plan including objectives , overall strategy , business strategy and functional strategy was developed .

  23. 博塔的总体战略和南非政治的趋向

    Botha 's total strategy adn the trend of South African politics

  24. 设计院战略规划的保证措施支持和保证总体战略和竞争战略的有效实施。

    The strategy guarantee method supports the overall and business strategy .

  25. 论新型工业化道路的总体战略定位

    On the Position of the Total Strategy for the New Industrialization

  26. 建议中化房地产公司总体战略上选择差异化战略,建造高档住宅。

    Overall strategic chooses the differentiation strategy to build high-grade residence .

  27. 总体战略目标可分为技术积累阶段、全面质量提升阶段以及可持续发展阶段的三步走战略。

    The total strategic objective can be carried out through three steps .

  28. 沈阳市技术输入与技术输出总体战略与对策

    The strategies and the countermeasures of technology input and export in Shenyang

  29. 把握全市渔业发展总体战略,从根本上提高渔业竞争力;

    Hold overall strategy of fisheries development , raise competition ability radically ;

  30. 在此基础上,提出了该所发展的总体战略框架。

    Asa result , a whole development strategy is suggested .