
zhàn lüè sī xiǎnɡ
  • strategic thinking
  1. 国际环境和中美关系互动:战略思想和政策规划

    International Environment and Interactive Sino-US Relations : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning

  2. 美国亚太及对华战略思想发展新动向

    The new trends of development in US strategic thinking over Asia-Pacific and China

  3. 整合营销的战略思想就集中在创造品牌价值上,出版社的品牌建设可以从两方面考虑,一是出版社CI建设;

    Strategic concept of marketing integration concentrates on the creation of brand value .

  4. NET平台作为微软新的开发平台,其战略思想就是把所有设备通过一个全球宽带网(Internet)连接在一起,同时所有的软件都将成为在该网络上提供的一种服务。

    As the new Microsoft platform , the strategy of net platform is that all equipments are connected each other by Internet and all software will be the service on Internet .

  5. 根据上述的分析,结合GP公司在行业中现有的资源、地位提出了一体化的战略思想;

    It advances an integrated strategic ideology with the combining of available resources , position of GP Company .

  6. 基于6S技术体系之上的林业活动是一种能把完善的管理、资源的高效利用和社会、经济、环境效益有机地统一起来的动态管理系统的战略思想。

    Forestry activity based on 6S technologies is a strategic thought of dynamic management system .

  7. 随着WTO的加入,我国市场化程度将进一步提高,民族企业要在更加激烈的竞争中生存和发展,惟有创立国内、国际知名品牌,树立品牌战略思想。

    Along with the entry of WTO , our marketing extent will further step up . To surrive and develop in the more intense competition , enterprises only have to establish either national or international famous brards and form brand strategy ideology .

  8. 本文介绍了NAFTA产生的背景,评价了NAFTA蕴含的战略思想和理论及其在世界贸易体系的地位。

    This paper introduces the background of NAFTA and evaluates the strategy and theory of it . Its role played in the world trade system is discussed .

  9. 随着各国政府经济发展战略思想的转变,传统的国民经济核算体系(SNA)受到了新的挑战;

    Along with the various countries ' government economic development strategy thought transformation , the traditional national economy calculation system ( SNA ) has received the new challenge .

  10. 针对传统BPR方法上的不足,结合BPR的本质特征,本文更进一步提出了一种基于核心竞争力的BPR战略思想,并建立了该思想下的战略集成分析框架和实施的基本模式。

    Thinking over the shortage of the traditional BPR method , this paper puts forward to the BPR strategy thoughts base on core-competence , and establishes the frame for analysis of the strategy gathering and the mode for practicing under the thought .

  11. 对CS的战略思想和QFD的决策模式进行了系统的剖析,在此基础上,通过构建质量屋,对QFD作了适当改进,并将QFD作为一种实施手段运用于CS战略。

    There is a systematic analysis to CS Management idea and QFD 'S decision pattern in the paper , based on the introduction of CS strategy and QFD system , QFD is improved properly on building the house of quality . QFD is applied to CS strategy as an implement .

  12. 美国西裔移民双语教育的语言战略思想

    Language Strategic Principles of Hispanic Bilingual ^ Education in the US

  13. 《孙子兵法》中的大战略思想

    Thinking of Grand Strategy in Military Science of Sun Tzu

  14. 戴高乐的平衡外交战略思想初探

    On Charles de Gaulle 's Thoughts of the Balanced-diplomatic Strategy

  15. 打造核心能力:我国券商发展的战略思想

    Creation of core capability : strategic thought of development for Chinese security-dealers

  16. 论改革开放以来的我军军事人才战略思想

    On military talent strategy thought since the reform and opening

  17. 论在可持续发展战略思想指导下的工业设计

    Discussion on Industry Design under the Guidance of Continuous Development Strategic Thought

  18. 试论杭嘉湖科技开发试验区的战略思想

    On the Building up Hang Jia Hu Technical and Economic Development Area

  19. 世界环境保护战略思想的新发展

    New Development in Ideas on Global Environmental Conservation Strategy

  20. 《周易》与《孙子》战略思想比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Strategic Thoughts between Zhou Yi and Sun Zi

  21. 对积极防御战略思想指导作用的再思考

    Re-thinking of the significant role of active defense strategy

  22. 高工专发展战略思想的转变

    The Shift of the Strategic Thinking on the Development of Higher Engineering College

  23. 而这一系统服务服从于院长的人才战略思想。

    A study of talent strategy in Heilongjiang province ;

  24. 他们的战略思想是以最小的代价来达到他们的目的。

    Their strategy is designed to achieve its ends at a minimum cost .

  25. 确立“人文博览”战略思想,是时代的呼唤,人文博览是历史文化发展的必然。

    Humanism Exposition is the trend of the development of history and culture .

  26. 冷战后尼克松有关欧洲的战略思想论析

    Nixon 's Strategic Thought on Europe after Cold War

  27. 二是管理信息成本控制战略思想和战略分析。

    The second part is strategic ideas and strategic analysis of controlling MIC .

  28. 必须坚持发展是硬道理的战略思想,决不能有丝毫动摇。

    We must unwaveringly adhere to the strategic thinking that only development counts .

  29. 为有效解决这一问题,人们开始了新的探索,逐步形成了新的可持续发展的战略思想,并尝试用税收手段来解决可持续发展条件下的部分环境问题。

    In order to solve these problems , people explored sustainable development strategy .

  30. 论《诗经》战争诗的情感特征与军事战略思想倾向

    Emotional Features and Strategic Thought in Warfare Poems in The Book of Songs