
  • 网络War Guidance;The Conduct of War;War Direction
  1. 我们要求有大的作用的战争指导者。

    We need directors of war who can play a significant role .

  2. 他把战争指导与矛盾学说融为一体,使之达到了对立和谐的统一,产生了巨大的军事效益。

    Mao Zedong harmonically unifies warfare instruction and contradiction doctrine which bring tremendous military benefits .

  3. 一切战争指导规律,依照历史的发展而发展,依照战争的发展而发展;

    All the laws for directing war develop as history develops and as war develops ;

  4. 研究带全局性的战争指导规律,是战略学的任务。

    The task of the science of strategy is to study those laws for directing a war that govern a war situation as a whole .

  5. 本文对此进行了简要述评,说明胜败的关键因素在于战争指导艺术的高低。

    This paper gives a brief narration and commentary on them , showing that it 's warfare commanding art that determines the outcome of a battle .

  6. 春秋时战争指导思想出现由崇尚军礼到推崇诡道的转变,有其深刻的背景因素。

    Spring and Autumn Period , when the guiding ideology of the war there from " advocates a military salute " to " respect sly Road " changes , there is a profound background factors .

  7. 这是一个无后方作战的十分艰险的战略任务。研究带全局性的战争指导规律,是战略学的任务。

    This would be a difficult and dangerous strategic operation , because the troops would have to fight without a rear area to support them . The task of the science of strategy is to study those laws for directing a war that govern a war situation as a whole .

  8. 人民完全不满意对战争的指导方式。

    People were not at all satisfied with the conduct of the war .

  9. 运用孙子战争观指导我军履行新使命的思考

    Reflections on the New Mission Carried out by PLA Using the View on War Created by Sun Tzu

  10. 这些特点,规定了中国革命战争的指导路线及其许多战略战术的原则。

    These characteristics determine the line for guiding China 's revolutionary war as well as many of its strategic and tactical principles .

  11. 美国军队在中国的主要角色是为中国继续进行战争提供指导建议和物资援助。

    The U.S.Army 's main role in China was to keep China in the war through the provision of advice and materiel assistance .

  12. 艾森豪威尔于1954年4月提出的多米诺骨牌理论是越南战争的指导理论。

    The Domino Theory , which Eisenhower put forward in April 1954 , is the guidance theory in the Vietnam War that four American governments carried out later .

  13. 坚持科学发展全面提升医院有效履行使命的能力运用孙子战争观指导我军履行新使命的思考

    Promoting Service Abilities of Military Hospital Guided by Scientific Development View Reflections on the New Mission Carried out by PLA Using the View on War Created by Sun Tzu

  14. 必须使游击战争的指导者明白,灵活地使用兵力,是转变敌我形势争取主动地位的最重要的手段。

    A guerrilla commander must understand that the flexible employment of his forces is the most important means of changing the situation as between the enemy and ourselves and of gaining the initiative .

  15. 关于信息时代战争与战争指导问题的几点认识

    Views on War and the Direction of War in the Information Age

  16. 学习战争全局的指导规律,是要用心去想一想才行的。

    The only way to study the laws governing a war situation as a whole is to do some hard thinking .

  17. 战略思想是关于战争全局的指导思想,是制定战略方针、建军作战原则的理论依据。

    Strategic thinking is a thought concerned with the guidance of a whole war , a theoretical basis of setting up a strategic direction and the principle of leading arm forces .

  18. 抗日战争的各级指导者,不能离开中日两国之间各种互相对立的基本因素去指导战争,也不能离开这个战争目的去指导战争。

    In directing the anti-Japanese war , leaders at the various levels must lose sight neither of the contrast between the fundamental factors on each side nor of the object of this war .

  19. 从时间的条件说,战争和战争指导规律都是发展的,各个历史阶段有各个历史阶段的特点,因而战争规律也各有其特点,不能呆板地移用于不同的阶段。

    As regards the time factor , both war and its laws develop ; each historical stage has its special characteristics , and hence the laws of war in each historical stage have their special characteristics and cannot be mechanically applied in another stage .

  20. 在军事斗争中自觉运用武装冲突法,把斗法和斗兵紧密地结合起来夺取战争的胜利,已经成为一项重要的现代战争指导艺术。

    Consciously utilizing armed conflicts law in military fights and tightly combining struggling through law and struggling through soldiers to gain victories of wars already has become an important guiding art for modern wars .

  21. 借鉴率然一体、吴越同舟的整体观念,正确认识战争活动一体化的发展趋势,确立战略谋划在战争指导和军队建设中的核心地位。

    Drawing on the concept of viewing the situation as a whole and being in the same boat , rightly learning the developing trend of military integration and putting strategy and tactics in the key position in military guidance and construction .

  22. 战争的领导者,如果他们是一些没有战争经验的人,对于一个具体的战争的深刻的指导规律,在开始阶段是不了解的。

    If those who lead a war lack experience of war , then at the initial stage they will not understand the profound laws pertaining to the directing of a specific war .