
  • 网络tijuana;TIJ
  1. 我们在蒂华纳酒店的最后一天,黄用了一上午通过Skype电话打理他在曼哈顿的餐馆Baohaus的生意。

    At the hotel on our last day in Tijuana , Huang spent the morning managing his Manhattan restaurant , Baohaus , by Skype .

  2. 上次更新时间:{0}太平洋时间(美国和加拿大);蒂华纳。

    Last update : { 0 } Pacific Time ( US & Canada ); Tijuana .

  3. 今天人们认为自己又再度听到这个声音,但当他们循声追踪,找到的却不是蒂华纳(Tijuana,墨西哥西北部城市)的廉价工厂,而是得克萨斯州的服务器群。

    Today people think they can hear that sound once more – but they trace it to server farms in Texas instead of cut-rate factories in Tijuana .

  4. 美国官员表示,他们发现了连接墨西哥蒂华纳和圣地亚哥工业园区的隧道。

    US officials say they have found a tunnel that connects Tijuana , Mexico to industrial area in Santiago .

  5. 在欧泰梅萨可怕的发现城市的一部分是符合签字杀害“厄尔尼诺张志贤风格”,蒂华纳的头号卡特尔重要一环。

    The gruesome discovery in the Otay Mesa part of the city is consistent with a signature killing style of " El Teo ", Tijuana 's most wanted cartel kingpin .

  6. 美国有关部门正在与墨西哥有关部门合作,他们表示目前已发现了两条越境走私通道,面积覆盖数百码,连接蒂华纳和圣地亚哥的工业园区。

    US authority are working in a conjunction with its Mexican counterparts say they have discovered 2 cross border smuggling tunnels , stretching hundreds of yards between Tijuana and an industrial parking in San Diego .