
  1. 诚然,奥斯汀不会像维特根斯坦那样断言哲学的任务只在于治疗,但他会同意思想治疗是哲学的一个重要任务;他的《感觉与可感物》一书是哲学治疗的一部典范之作。

    Unlike Wittgenstein , Austin would not claims that therapy is the sole task of philosophy . But he will agree that therapy of thought is an important task of philosophy . His book sense and sensibilia is a paradigm of philosophical therapy .

  2. 哲学的目标不是建构理论;哲学的任务是治疗由误解哲学语法所造成的智性扭曲。

    The task of philosophy is not construction of theories , but rather a therapy for misunderstanding philosophical grammar .