
zhé xué shǐ
  • history of philosophy
  1. 在哲学史的背景之下追溯Axiology一词的原意,可知Axiology的研究对象应是worthy而非value,在后者中失落了前者中所包括的noble之意。

    A backward study of the original meaning of axiology against the background of history of philosophy has found out that the research object of axiology should be " worthy " rather than " value " which lost the meaning of " noble " con - tained in the former .

  2. 人类哲学史上最伟大的变革

    The Greatest Revolution in the History of Philosophy of Human Beings

  3. moralagent一词,是西方哲学史上有着相当长历史的术语,在不同的研究领域它所指代的具体涵义是不同的。

    Moral agent , the word has a long history in the history of western philosophy . In the different research field , the specific meaning is different .

  4. 以episteme为核心,在西方哲学史上形成了一个强劲的理论的知识传统。

    With episteme as the center , a strong theoretical tradition of knowledge took shape .

  5. 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。

    In the history of western philosophy , the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme . Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology .

  6. 论西方哲学史上的直觉思想

    On the thought of intuition in the history of western philosophy

  7. 论中国哲学史的建构

    On the Construction of " The History of Chinese Philosophy "

  8. 哲学史类型与中国思想的叙述方式

    The Type of Philosophical History and the Narration of Chinese Thought

  9. 哲学史上有两类哲学和两种哲学家。

    Philosophy falls into two categories : applied philosophy and developed philosophy .

  10. 它是哲学史和教育史上的一大进步;

    It is a progress in the history of philosophy and education .

  11. 质是欧洲哲学史上的一个重要范畴。

    Quality is an important category in European philosophy history .

  12. 西方哲学史中的价值主观论和客观论

    The subjective and the objective theories of value in the Western Philosophy

  13. 宪法意义上宽容理念的早期萌芽&建立在古希腊政治哲学史上的考察

    The Infancy of the Idea of Tolerance in the Sense of Constitution

  14. 在马克思主义哲学史上,普列汉诺夫是一个转折点。

    Plekhanov is a turn point in the history of Marxist philosophy .

  15. 理性主义与非理性主义是西方哲学史上的两大对立思潮。

    Rationalism and non rationalism are two opposite tides in western philosophy .

  16. 哲学史上的主体与对象关系

    Relation between Subject and Object in the History of Philosophy

  17. 在西方哲学史中,良知是一个相对复杂的问题。

    Conscience is a comparatively complex problem in the history of western philosophy .

  18. 在西方哲学史上,本质主义源远流长。

    In the history of Western philosophy , essentialism has a long history .

  19. 萨特的自由理论有着深远的哲学史渊源。

    Sartre 's theory on freedom is firmly rooted in history of philosophy .

  20. 黑格尔的宗教神学观与哲学史的联系

    Hegel 's Religious Theology Outlook and Its Relation to the History of Philosophy

  21. 中国哲学史研究的世纪回顾

    Studies of philosophic history of China in 20th century

  22. 在政治哲学史上,社会契约论具有非同寻常的影响力。

    Social contract theory is very influential in the history of political philosophy .

  23. 尼采在西方哲学史上是一个影响极大而且颇具争议的伟大哲学家。

    Nietzsche was a great and controversial philosopher in the history of western philosophy .

  24. 从康德到列维纳斯&兼论列维纳斯在欧洲哲学史上的意义

    EUROPE From Kant to Levinas-And Concurrently On the Significance of Levinas in European Philosophy

  25. 人的本质问题是哲学史上的永恒话题。

    The nature of man is an eternal topic in the history of philosophy .

  26. 中国哲学史研究百年反思

    The Reflection on the Century - Aged Study of the History of Chinese Philosophy

  27. 一部哲学史,就是人类对自由不断追问的历史。

    A philosophy history , is a history of human to inquire freedom constantly .

  28. 《中国哲学史》是为我校应用心理学专业开设专业必修课,总共36学时2学分。

    2 credits and36 class hours , is a compulsory course for applied psychology .

  29. 纵观哲学史,很多哲学家早就将权利和法引入了哲学范畴。

    General philosophy , many philosophers would have rights and law introduced philosophical category .

  30. 从哲学史来看,从亚里士多德到黑格尔,本体论被赋予了不同的解释。

    From Aristotle to Hegel , Ontology has been given a variety of interpretations .