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hēnɡ hā èr jiànɡ
  • 熟语the Marshals Heng and Ha—a pair of fierce men serving one master or acting in collusion with each other
哼哈二将 [hēng hā èr jiàng]
  • [the two sculptured fierce-looking gods usually guarding a temple gate or painted on doors] 佛教守护庙门的两个金刚力士。《封神演义》中把他们描写为有法术的武将,作战时,一个鼻子里哼出白气,一个口中哈出黄气。现在常用来比喻有权势者手下的干将

  1. 自从在安菲尔德不受欢迎的哼哈二将吉列特与希克斯决定要转手球队以来,谁将成为利物浦俱乐部新主人的话题就一直在被人们讨论。

    The Reds'takeover has been the subject of much discussion , since current owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett-who have an unsavoury reputation with the fans-decided to put the club up for sale .