
lián jūn
  • coalition forces;allied forces
联军 [lián jūn]
  • [allied forces;united army; allied troop] 为了某种需要把几支队伍联合起来组成一个统一的军队

  1. 美国防部证实英美联军攻击伊拉克南部

    US Defense Department Confirms Attacks on Southern Iraq by British-US Allied Forces

  2. 不过他说,联军不会向北韩发动先发制人的攻击。

    But he said the the allied forces would not conduct a pre-emptive strike against North Korea .

  3. 联军部队正加大他们的空战强度。

    The allies are intensifying their air campaign .

  4. 马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。

    Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim .

  5. 在法美英联军武力炮轰之前,E一直带领着其他律师帮忙中国及其它国家的人撤离这个国家。

    Before the coalition forces led by France , US and UK bombed his city , Essreati was leading his fellow lawyers to help Chinese and other nationalities evacuate from his country .

  6. 在联军和平民伤亡最少的情况下,瓦解了不知所措、士气低落的ISIS部队。

    Dazed and demoralised , the Isis forces collapse with minimal loss of life to allied troops and civilians .

  7. 联军指挥官塞缪尔洛克利尔(samuellocklear)海军上将表示,正在考虑所有选项。

    Admiral Samuel Locklear , a coalition commander , said that all options were being considered .

  8. 在应当由谁指挥对利比亚军事行动的问题上,北约(Nato)主要成员国接近达成一致。法国和英国提出一份新计划,以求克服联军内部的分歧。

    Leading members of the Nato alliance edged towards agreement over who should command the military operation over Libya , with France and Britain floating a new plan to overcome coalition differences .

  9. 政府军进行的这些谈判涉及数个组织,包括佤联军(UWSA)和克钦独立组织(KIO)。

    The talks involved several groups , including the United Wa State Army ( UWSA ) and the Kachin Independence Organization ( KIO ) .

  10. 他们同意组成一支联军,旗帜上书写:巴基斯坦塔利班(TTP),并宣称旗下战士共有四万名。

    They agreed to form a united front under the banner of Tehrik-i-Taliban-Pakistan ( TTP ) , or the Pakistan Taliban , and claimed to have 40000 fighters between them .

  11. 而北部邦联军正在向Fredericksburg逼近,那里很快上千人将英勇地,有时悲惨地死去,躺在一个石墙旁边。

    And the men in Blue were moving towards Fredericksburg , where thousands would soon lie by a stone wall in heroic and sometimes miserable death .

  12. 由于联军开始攻击ISIS的临时炼油厂和燃料运输车队,ISIS已将这些业务移交给当地盟友,现在只依靠原油开采收入,每桶原油售价约20美元。

    Since the coalition began attacking its makeshift refineries and fuel convoys , Isis has passed the business on to local allies and relies solely on crude extraction and sales of about $ 20 a barrel .

  13. 我们需要更多联军和阿富汗安全部队,包括增加训练团队,帮助建立阿富汗国家军队和阿富汗国家警察,美国中央司令部司令戴维•彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)上将最近在华盛顿一次会议上说。

    We will need more coalition and Afghan security forces , including additional training teams to help develop the Afghan national army and the Afghan national police , General David Petraeus , the head of US central command , told a Washington conference last week .

  14. 在对利比亚的作战中,联军的第一则受伤事件不是那么恐怖:F-15鹰式战斗机的乘员因为在利比亚东北部上空遇到设备故障于周一深夜弃机逃生。

    The first allied casualty over Libya turns not to be so dire : the crew of an F-15 Strike Eagle ejected over northeast Libya after their jet experienced an " equipment malfunction " late Monday night .

  15. 你需要一个组织,无论是美国还是联军部队进入该国为他们提供专业军事建议,最终如果联合部队没有出面,我不知道如何牵制ISIS。

    You need an organization whether it 's United States or coalition forces to come in and provide them with professional military advice , and eventually if U.F. forces are not on the ground , I don 't see how we are going to keep ISIS at bay .

  16. 一战期间,由G.W.Worley中尉指挥的美国“独眼巨人号”(theUSSCyclops)军舰大多数时间都在美国东海岸为美国海军运煤,直到1918年,它被派往巴西为联军船只补充燃料。

    During World War I , the USS Cyclops , commanded by Lt. G. W. Worley , carried coal for the U.S. Navy and stayed mostly on the East Coast of the United States until 1918 when it was sent to Brazil to refuel Allied ships .

  17. 英法联军中的法军司令是孟斗班。

    Charles Cousin Montauban was the French commander in British-French Army .

  18. 非战争军事行动的战备物资储备策略(侵略中国的)八国联军

    Materials Reserve Strategic of Non-war Military Operations in the Combat Readiness

  19. 这就让美英联军寻到了借口。

    This allows to find a pretext for the US-British coalition .

  20. 奴隶将数十具联军尸体各个掩埋。

    The slaves buried dozens of Union soldiers in individual graves .

  21. 但如果联军这样做了,几乎也不会有人提出抱怨。

    But were it somehow to happen , few would complain .

  22. 他称联军的空袭是违反人道主义的罪行。

    He described coalition air strikes as a crime against humanity .

  23. 但是他说,他相信,联军能够取胜。

    But , he says , he believes they can .

  24. 驻阿富汗联军正在丧失一个重大机遇。

    The coalition in Afghanistan is missing a big opportunity .

  25. 有了手机,阿富汗村民就能提醒联军士兵警惕塔利班;

    Afghan villagers to alert Coalition soldiers to Taliban forces ;

  26. 联军炮兵对盟军大炮的轰炸作出了回应。

    Union artillery on the hill answered the Confederate cannon .

  27. 佤联军对该信并未立即作出回应。

    The UWSA did not respond to the letter immediately .

  28. 1943年,在世界大战二期间联军夺取了那不勒斯。

    In 1943 , Allied forces captured Naples during World War Two .

  29. 最终在19:00时,苏联和蒙古联军决定进行一次突袭。

    Finally at19.00 Soviet and Mongol forces attempted an assault .

  30. 援助东北抗日联军,破坏敌人的后方。

    Support the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and disrupt the enemy 's rear .