
lián hé ɡuó huì yuán ɡuó
  • member state of the United Nations
  1. ZWW中外网,与联合国会员国的维持和平警察,建立ZAOM联盟。

    ZWW Chinese and foreign net , And United Nations member states peacekeeping police , Build ZAOM Alliance .

  2. 属于77国集团的联合国会员国和中国;

    States members of the United Nations that are members of the group of77 and china ;

  3. 其它国家可经安全理事会推荐,由大会通过,被接纳为联合国会员国。

    Other countries can be admitted by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of Security Council .

  4. 联合国会员国为降低儿童死亡率和监测进展制定了具体目标和特定战略。

    Member Countries have set targets and developed specific strategies to reduce child mortality and monitor progress .

  5. 他们说,为什么他们应该放弃自己争取联合国会员国的权利并与欧盟闹得尴尬?

    Why , they say , should they give up their right to UN membership to spare the EU 's blushes ?

  6. 瑙鲁共和国〔非联合国会员国〕鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    The Republic of Nauru Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  7. 以色列民众,比如耶路撒冷居民海姆·本·阿米对于阿巴斯提交联合国会员国申请心情复杂,他既感到有希望,又感到忧虑。

    Israelis , such as Jerusalem resident Haim Ben-Ami , reacted to Abbas 's statehood proposal with a mix of hope and concern .

  8. 第二,粮农组织的努力符合联合国会员国为应对全球变暖而通过的更大规模的行动计划。

    Second , fao 's efforts fit into a larger plan of action that members of the United Nations have adopted for dealing with global warming .

  9. 安全理事会应规定其所认为公平之条件,以便非联合国会员国之国家参加。

    The Security Council shall lay down such conditions as it deems just for the participation of a state which is not a Member of the United Nations .

  10. 此顷决议应由联合国会员国以其直接行动及经其加入为会员之有关国际机关之行动履行之。

    Such decisions shall be carried out by the Members of the United Nations directly and through their action in the appropriate international agencies of which they are members .

  11. 此前虽然国际社会出于对地区性恐怖活动的关注,制定了不少国际公约和议定书,但是联合国会员国加入的比例很低。

    Although the international community formulated lots of conventions and protocols because of focus on the regional acts of terrorism , the UN member states ' proportion of accession is very low .

  12. 知道美国会投反对票,巴勒斯坦领导人马哈茂德阿巴斯于9月16日再次表明了他直接进入安理会申请完整的联合国会员国席位的决心。

    On September16th Mahmoud Abbas , the Palestinian leader , reiterated his determination to go directly to the Security Council to bid for full UN membership , knowing that theUnited Stateswould veto it .

  13. 安全理事会以联合国十五会员国组织之。

    The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations .

  14. 大会由联合国所有会员国组织之。

    The General Assembly shall consist of all the Members of the United Nations .

  15. 巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯证实,他将在下周申请成为联合国正式会员国。

    The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he 'll ask for full membership of the United Nations next week .

  16. 全世界海洋和海床蕴藏的极大的富源是联合国及其会员国目前积极关注的问题。

    The vast riches of the seas and the sea-beds of the world are now the subject of active concern to the United Nations and its menmber states .

  17. 正因为如此,微型国家作为联合国的会员国,其在行使一些会员权利的时候会屡遭限制,在履行一些会员义务的时候也会出现种种困境。

    Because of this , micro-states as members of the United Nations , their rights will be restricted , and there are so many difficulties needed to deal with when they complete members ' obligations .

  18. 中国空间站核心舱预计将于2019年发射,2022年建成并投入运营,届时将成为首个由发展中国家建造的,且面向联合国所有会员国开放的空间站。

    CSS , expected to be launched by 2019 , and complete and brought into operation by 2022 , will be the world 's first space station that is developed by a developing country and open for cooperation with all UN member states .

  19. 秘书处的工作人员必须反映联合国全体会员国的组成,使它能够对世界上各种不同的政治、社会和文化系统有感应,使所有会员国对它有信心。

    The staff of the Secretariat must reflect the whole membership of the un , so that it will be responsive to the diverse political , social and cultural systems in the world and so that all Member States will have confidence in it .

  20. 中国是联合国的创始会员国之一。

    China is a founding member of the United Nations .

  21. 联合国192个会员国的大使和常驻代表定期讨论在全球和国家各级提出的建议。

    The Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of the192 UN Member Countries regularly discuss the measures proposed at global and national level .

  22. 联合国193个会员国通过了奥林匹克休战专项决议,我呼吁世界各地的所有战斗人员尊重奥林匹克休战。

    I call on all combatants everywhere to respect the Olympic Truce , which has been adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States .

  23. 我们高度赞赏联合国和广大会员国坚持一个中国原则的正义立场。

    We highly appreciate the right position adopted by the United Nations and the vast number of Member States in abiding by the one-China principle .

  24. 联合国会费比额涉及会员国切身利益,也事关联合国能否有稳定的财政基础。

    The scale of assessment involves the interests of all UN member states and constitutes the financial foundation of the Organization .

  25. 我呼吁所有从事敌对行动者尊重休战休战得到联合国所有193个会员国的赞同。

    I call on all those engaged in hostilities to respect the truce - which has been endorsedby all 193 UN member states .

  26. 巴勒斯坦向联合国提出成为正式会员国申请,美国正在积极涡旋,以助其尽快拿到豁免权,这将迫使华盛顿否决这项努力。

    The US had been hoping for a quick exemption , to divert attention away from the Palestinian bid to win statehood at the UN , and would force Washington to veto the effort .