
  1. 圣徒队一度防御能力很强,现在却成了联盟里防守漏洞最多的队伍。

    Once a tough defensive team , the Saints now have the most porous defence in the league .

  2. 革命(Revolution)、银河(Galaxy)、木材(Timbers)都是哪个专业体育联盟里的?

    The Revolution , Galaxy and Timbers are all teams in what professional sports league ?

  3. 一直作为联盟里三分球领军人物的他,荣获过两次总冠军,10次入选NBA全明星阵容且在18个赛季中场均看下18.9分。

    The NBA 's all-time leader in 3-pointers made won two NBA championships , was a 10-time All-Star and averaged 18.9 points a game in 18 seasons .

  4. 但该公司在欧洲所面临的难题,只是亚马逊(Amazon)、Facebook和苹果等美国科技巨头,在这个由28个国家组成的政治联盟里,面临的诸多监管难题之一。

    But the pressure the company faces in Europe is just one of the regulatory problems that American tech giants like Amazon , Facebook and Apple are facing across the 28-member bloc .

  5. 可能有些读者还一直没意识到,“DameD.O.L.L.A”已经成为了整个NBA联盟里前所未有的伟大歌手。

    For those readers who are somehow not aware , Lillard , aka Dame D.O.L.L.A. , is as legit a musician as the NBA has ever seen .

  6. 事实上此言不假,一个火箭对手的教练跟Jenkins说过:“联盟里最聪明的球员是勒布朗-詹姆斯,詹姆斯-哈登次之。”

    Indeed , a rival coach shared with Jenkins : " The smartest player in our league is LeBron James . James Harden is second . "

  7. “吉米皮索在联盟里无赛事”

    " No trip to the majors for Jim piersall . "

  8. 现在我们是联盟里最热的球队。

    Right now , we 're the hottest team in the league .

  9. 科隆,那个投手在联盟里打多久了?

    Koron , how long has this pitcher been in the league ?

  10. 不能叫联盟里的人,太明显。

    It can 't be anyone from the rettungsbund , too obvious .

  11. 你到我的联盟里捣乱还不够。

    And it wasn 't enough that you came to my coalition .

  12. 热情的主场比赛是这个联盟里的奢侈品。

    Warm home games are a luxury in the league .

  13. 从这可以看出联盟里竞争的残酷。

    That says a lot about the level of competition in this league .

  14. 我是联盟里最佳的外野手。

    I was the best fielder in the league .

  15. 联盟里的其他球队必须得跟上。

    The rest of the league must keep up .

  16. 任何时候只要你签下了联盟里最好的球员,你就赢了。

    Anytime you sign the best player in the game , you win .

  17. 我们能打联盟里任何人的球。

    We can out-hit anybody in the league .

  18. 优势:我无法再想到联盟里超过7英尺的还有多少。

    Strengths : I cannot think of many more athletic seven footers in the NBA .

  19. 在一个货币联盟里(与在一个国家里一样),有一定程度的差异是正常的。

    In a monetary union not unlike within nation states some degree of heterogeneity is normal .

  20. 达拉斯晨报-联盟里有关使道格.克里斯蒂退役的协议有可能今天达成。

    Dallas Morning News - League approval that will make Doug Christie an ex-Maverick is expected today .

  21. 我知道他现在是联盟里最有统治力的球员之一了。

    He knows that he 's one of the most dominant players in the NBA right now .

  22. 此次篮球演化始于空间型4号位,空间型5号位现已成为联盟里最新潮流。

    The stretch-four started this basketball evolution and the stretch-five has now become the newest trend around the league .

  23. 看了火箭队的比赛之后,我不禁遐想,要是联盟里每一位明星球员都能在迈克-德安东尼手下打几年就好了。

    Watching the Houston Rockets makes me want every star player to spend a few years with Mike D'Antoni .

  24. 过去,在这个联盟里,得分能力比分球能力更精通的矮个球员都受到了藐视。

    Smaller players who are more accomplished scorers than distributors were disparaged in this league once upon a time .

  25. 他是联盟里第五好的干拔跳投手,也是最好的二十个中距离得分手之一。

    He 's the fifth-best pull-up shooter in the League and in the top-20 for shots from the midrange .

  26. 合作联盟里,资源集成计划往往是联盟成员群体谈判博弈的结果。

    In general , the final integration plan of resources is decided by the bargaining of members of alliance .

  27. 当你对联盟里最好的球员展开剖析,常常会围绕这样几个问题展开。

    When you are making a case for the best player in the league there are several critical items to parse .

  28. 最近,在所谓的无烟生活联盟里,几个非政府组织和公民联手反对保加利亚公民欧洲发展党提出的推迟实施禁烟令的提案。

    Recently several NGOs and citizens joined their effort against the GERB proposal in the so-called Coalition for Life without Cigarette Smoke .

  29. 但在联盟里,有些人怀疑他不能成就自己,因为他不能认识到自己的短处。

    There are some within the organization who doubt he 'll ever get there because of his inability to recognize his weaknesses .

  30. 是传奇--像泰德·威廉斯那样的传奇--他是棒球大联盟里最后一个在常规赛中拥有超过四成击球率的球员。

    Legendary -- as in Ted Williams legendary -- the last Major League Baseball player to hit over 400 during a regular season .