
  1. 一般地,唱歌跑调的人不适合学口语,聋哑人更加免谈。

    Generally , a person who cannot sing well is not a proper foreign language student , let alone dumb or deaf ones .

  2. 我听过他们在名为《诺玛》幽默剧中的演唱,他们能将自己的情怀表达得淋漓尽致,通常也不会像普通的意大利人那样唱歌跑调,不堪人耳。

    I heard them in a comic opera , and in an act of Norma ; and they acquitted themselves very well ; unlike the common people of Italy generally , who sing vilely out of tune , and have very disagreeable singing voices .

  3. 他唱歌老跑调。

    And he 's been singing out of tune .

  4. 我正在处于变声期,所以可能唱歌有些跑调,过几年就好了。

    I was in a sound period of change , it may run some tune singing , a few years would be enough .