
wā qiáng jiǎo
  • undermine the foundation;cut the ground from under sb's feet;cut the ground from under sb.'s feet;sap a wall;sabotage
挖墙脚 [wā qiáng jiǎo]
  • [cut the ground from under sb's feet;undermine the foundation] 比喻拆台

  • 你能挖我的墙脚,我就不会推你的墙

挖墙脚[wā qiáng jiǎo]
  1. 谁也不想祸起萧墙,自挖墙脚。

    Nobody wants to damage the walls or split the house .

  2. 由于银行相互之间积极挖墙脚,薪酬水平迅速上升。

    Salaries have risen fast , as banks become aggressive about poaching from each other .

  3. 为了从竞争对手那里挖墙脚,各大公司争相给出诱人的薪酬和福利待遇。

    The one that companies try to steal from their competitors by offering generous salaries and lavish benefits .

  4. 到处都缺少合格的员工,这就导致挖墙脚现象猖獗,工资也急速上涨。

    There are not enough qualified workers to go around , causing rampant poaching and extremely fast wage inflation .

  5. 挖墙脚:有人加你,目的是要看你的联系人名单,好挖走你的客户。

    The poacher : someone connects with you in order to see your list of contacts with a view to poaching your clients .

  6. 在一片“挖墙脚”的抱怨声中,集万千宠爱于一身的委内瑞拉指挥家更换了经纪公司,并宣告了一场巨人之战的揭幕。

    Amid murmurs of " poaching ", the brilliant Venezuelan conductor changed sides , and lit the fuse on a clash of the titans .

  7. 为了争夺有利可图的企业客户,律所之间展开了疯狂的竞争,并利用吸引眼球的薪酬承诺乱挖墙脚,使用各种伎俩从对手那里吸引明星合伙人。

    Firms are competing feverishly for lucrative corporate business , working against their counterparts by poaching profit-making partners through the cunning use of eye-popping salary guarantees .

  8. 但如今经济不景气,员工安分守己许多,公司挖墙脚也更难。

    But economic uncertainty makes workers more inclined to stay put , and firms that want to hire find it harder to entice people to move .

  9. 看,背面有字,喜欢你的工作,请称呼我挖墙脚的,显然她非常动人。

    Joey : Look , there 's a note on the back . " Love your work , call me a sap . " She was obviously very moved .

  10. 在走过纸样间时他最有才华的员工就在里面工作这位有些唠叨的奥地利人解释说,他会注意不透露他们的名字,以免被人挖墙脚。

    As he walks past the pattern room where his most talented employees work , the garrulous Austrian explains that he is careful not to reveal their names to prevent poaching .

  11. 美国瓦萨学院的英语教授罗纳德•沙普曾与尤多拉•韦尔蒂合著了《友谊的诺顿之书》,沙普教授认为,这种对于社交领域‘挖墙脚’的担忧其实是由于不恰当或扭曲的友谊观所致。

    Ronald Sharp is a professor of English at Vassar College , US , who co-edited The Norton Book of Friendship with Eudora Welty . Sharp said : The anxiety about social poaching stems from an inappropriate or distorted view of what friendship is .

  12. 我们挖了博尔曼的墙脚。

    We had pulled the rug out from under bormann .

  13. 把地道挖到了城堡墙下我们挖了博尔曼的墙脚。

    To mine the castle walls We had pulled the rug out from under Bormann .