
chànɡ zhēn
  • stylus;needle;phonograph/gramophone needle
唱针 [chàng zhēn]
  • [gramophone needle; stylus]装在留声机唱头上,与转动着的唱片上的槽纹接触而振动,从而放出声音的针状物

  1. 留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子。

    A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup .

  2. 1200型号的唱针

    It 's a Technics 1200 stylus .

  3. 她把唱针从唱片上移开,把灯也关了。

    She took the needle off the record and turned the lights out .

  4. 这张唱片一定刮坏&唱针总是在跳针。

    This record must be scratched the needle keeps skipping .

  5. (唱片上的)音纹杂音唱针沿着唱片表面的细纹移动。

    Surface noise The needle moves along the groove on a record .

  6. 唱针也不如用过的牙签好几多。

    And the gramophone needle is not as good as a used toothpick .

  7. 更换电唱机上的唱针可以大大改善它的音质。

    Replacing the needle of your record player can improve the sound quality drastically .

  8. 唱针跳动,把唱片刮坏了。

    The needle jumped and scratched the record .

  9. 听上去你唱机的唱针该换了。

    It sounds like the needle on your record player needs to be replaced .

  10. 唱针跳过了几道纹路。

    The needle has jumped several grooves .

  11. 唱针少了一个

    This one 's missing a stylus .

  12. 旋转唱片使唱针振动并且使振动在听觉上放大。

    Rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically .

  13. “每当唱片转到音乐的那一部分,唱针就会跳过去。”

    " Every time the record comes to that part of the music , the needle skips . "

  14. 演出乐队:挨天楼,情欲之箭,未来脚踏车,布瓜,橡胶唱针。

    BANDS : Future bicycles , Arrows Made of Desire , Skyscraper , Bugua , Rubber Phonograph Needle .

  15. 电唱机唱针与旋转的唱片表面摩擦发生的噪声。

    Noise produced by the friction of the stylus of a record player moving over the rotating record .

  16. 1877年时,他创造了一个内附两只唱针的机器:一只用来记录,而另一只用来播放。

    In 1877 , he created a machine with two needles : one for recording and one for playback .

  17. 竹子细到可以用作留声机唱针,坚固到可以用于桥梁建筑。

    Bamboo is slim enough to be made into phonograph needles yet strong enough to be used in bridge construction .

  18. 带有连续的凹槽;以前的通过在凹槽内旋转唱针再现音乐的装置。

    A disc with continuous grooves ; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating as a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves .

  19. 是的,有一个小别针装在盒子里。留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子。

    Yes , there is a tiny pin in a box . a removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup .

  20. 在电脑上将这些纹道处理成数字音乐后,哈伯和维塔利接着发明了一种软件来模仿唱针在纹道内旋转而重现音乐。

    After digitally reproducing the mapped grooves on a computer , Haber and Fadayev then created software to mimic the effect of a needle moving in the mapped grooves in order to re-create the sounds .

  21. 她从护套里取出唱片,在不让手指触及细纹的情况下双手将其放在唱片盘上,用小毛刷拂去唱针的灰尘,慢慢置于唱片之上。

    She 'd take one from its jacket place it carefully on the turntable without touching the grooves with her fingers , and , after making sure to brush the cartridge free of any dust with a tiny brush , lower the needle ever so gently onto the record .