
  • 网络federal election commission;FEC;Union Election Commission;the Federal Election Committee
  1. 然后卡姆纳尔先生凭直觉在联邦选举委员会的计算机系统中进行了查询。

    Then Mr. Kamenar , acting on a hunch , ran a computer check at the Federal Election Commission .

  2. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,自由伙伴行动基金会已经向联邦选举委员会提交了注册文件。

    NPR 's Peter Overby says the Freedom Partners Action Fund has filed registration papers with the Federal Election Commission .

  3. 据NPR新闻的彼得·奥弗比报道,这个案件将迫使联邦选举委员会将十字路口组织调整为政治委员会。

    NPR 's Peter Overby says the suit will force the federal election commission to regulate Crossroad as a political committee .

  4. 在政治方面,63岁的馨祥博士称自己是“典型的独立派”。据联邦选举委员会(FederalElectionCommission)称,他总共为竞选捐款8.24万美元,其中6万捐给了民主党全国委员会(DemocraticNationalCommittee)。

    On politics , Dr. Soon-Shiong , 63 , called himself the " quintessential independent . " He has donated $ 82400 to campaigns , according to the Federal Election Commission , including $ 60000 to the Democratic National Committee .

  5. 在被问到最近是否有更多的捐赠没有被联邦选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼在一封邮件中措辞隐晦地回应道,正在看一些PAC之类的。

    Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records , Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email , Looking at some PACs , etc.

  6. 同时,联邦选举委员会仍然没有批准三个克钦政党包括克钦邦进步党(KSPP)登记竞选2010年的大选。

    Meanwhile , the UEC is still sitting over the approval of three Kachin political parties including the Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ) to contest the2010 general election .

  7. 联邦选举委员会还负责更新选民名单。

    The commission is also responsible for updating the voter lists .

  8. 联合公民组织将联邦选举委员会告上法庭,反对这一规定。

    Citizens United took the Federal Election Commission to court to fight the law .

  9. 美国联邦选举委员会

    Federal Election Commission of the United States

  10. 联邦选举委员会正在制定一系列新法规来规范在网络上进行的政治活动。

    Well , the Federal Election Commission is proposing new rules for political activities on the Internet .

  11. 联邦选举委员会宣布严格禁止公开展示政党党旗标识名称。

    Even the public display of flags bearing the names or logos of parties remains strictly prohibited .

  12. 据美国联邦选举委员会表示,今年有超过1500名美国人寻求入主白宫。

    More than 1500 Americans are seeking the White House , according to the Federal Election Commission .

  13. 此前,联邦选举委员会的三名共和党委员断定,十字路口组织没有达到调整的门槛。

    The 3 Republican commissioners in FEC earlier concluded the Crossroads didn 't meet the threshold for regulation .

  14. 联邦选举委员会是一个独立的监管机构,负责管理和执行联邦竞选财务法。

    The Federal Election Commission is an independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing federal campaign finance law .

  15. 联邦选举委员会包括在参议院建议和同意的情况下由总统任命的六名委员。

    The FEC consists of six commissioners appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate .

  16. 诉讼状中称,联邦选举委员会应把十字路口组织当作政治委员会,并就其赞助者进行公共识别。

    The lawsuit says FEC should treat Crossroads as a political committee and make a public identify to donors .

  17. 因此,作为一个典型的行使所有上述权力的机关,联邦选举委员会明确地包括在任命条款之内。

    Thus the FEC , a typical agency wielding all of those powers , was clearly covered by the clause .

  18. 国会于1974年通过了一条设立联邦选举委员会的法规,藉此测验了任命条款的局限性。

    Congress tested the limits of the Appointments Clause in 1974 when it passed a statute creating the Federal Election Commission .

  19. 像大多数政治金钱案一样,Metuchen诉联邦选举委员会案提出了一个相关的小问题。

    Like a lot of case on political money , Metuchen verse the Federal Election Commission asks a relative small question .

  20. 只有在这个过程完成后,联邦选举委员会宣布将可以参选政党的名称。

    Only after the completion of this process will the EC announce the names of political parties that can contest the election .

  21. 联邦选举委员会表示,国会担心每个月早期的经济情况的好坏可能影响到选举结果。

    The Federal Election Commission says Congress was worried that the economic success or failure of the earlier month could influence those votes .

  22. 目前,克钦族政党都在努力从联邦选举委员会获得批准参选。

    Meanwhile , Kachin political parties are struggling to get approval from the Union Election Commission ( UEC ) to contest the election .

  23. 2年总统选举中根据联邦选举委员会数据常春藤盟校教职员工有96%的捐�

    In the 2012 presidential race , according to Federal Election Commission data 96 percent of all campaign contributions from Ivy League faculty and employees

  24. 进一步复杂化的问题,不同的党派将在不同的时间提交其成员名单,根据联邦选举委员会批准其登记的时间。

    Complicating matters further , different parties will submit their membership lists at different times , depending on when the EC approves their registration .

  25. 《男性健康》杂志在编撰该榜过程中主要从美国选举协助委员会、联邦选举委员会和《哈芬顿邮报》等机构搜集信息。

    Men 's Health gathered the information for its ranking from the US Election Assistance Commission , Federal Election Commission and the Huffington Post .

  26. 只有在该候选人的提名程序完成后,联邦选举委员会才能开始印制三个区议会选举的选票。

    Only after the completion of the candidate nomination process can the EC start printing ballot papers for each district in each of the three parliamentary elections .

  27. 在仰光著名的若开邦政治家埃塔昂说,联邦选举委员会显然是挑选审批类似‘若开邦民族力量’这样亲军政府的政党。

    Aye Tha Aung , a prominent Arakanese politician in Rangoon , said that the EC is obviously singling out pro-junta parties like the RSNFM for approval .

  28. 一些申请注册的政党仍然在等待他们的申请获得联邦选举委员会的核准。

    Some political parties that have applied for registration are still waiting to hear if their applications have been approved by the Union Election Commission ( EC ) .

  29. 然而,由于没有大选选民的登记工作选举既定程序,联邦选举委员会主要依据从2008年宪法的公民投票的选民名单。

    However , with no voter registration process timetabled for the election , the EC will hav to rely primarily on the voter lists from the2008 constitutional referendum .

  30. 克钦邦进步党两个月前已在克钦邦开展竞选活动,现在已经停止了竞选活动,等待被推迟的联邦选举委员会的批准。

    The Kachin State Progressive Party ( KSPP ), which has been campaigning a lot in Kachin State , stopped campaigning over two months ago with the approval being delayed .