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Tánɡ shī sān bǎi shǒu
  • Three Hundred Tang Poems
  1. 论《唐诗三百首》中的颜色词翻译

    On Translation of Color Words in 300 Pieces of Tang Poems

  2. 论许译《唐诗三百首》典故的翻译技巧

    On Translation of Literary Quotations in Xu 's 300 Tang Poems

  3. 《唐诗三百首》的审美价值取向

    The Choice on Aesthetic Value of 300 Tang shi

  4. 论《唐诗三百首》对中学生人格和审美趣味的陶冶

    " 300 Tang Poems " Edification on Middle School Students ' Personality and Aesthetic

  5. 《唐诗三百首》是中华文化史上一部影响深远的书。

    On history of Chinese culture , 300 Tang Shi has a great influence .

  6. 是的,早年流传至今的《唐诗三百首》是一部相当著名的作品。

    Yeah , Three hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty , handed down from early times , is a well-known work .

  7. 正如人们所说:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”

    As they say : " be familiared with the300 Tang Dynasty , even you can 't write a poem , you can recite one . "

  8. 古人有句经验之谈:熟读唐诗三百首,不会写诗也会吟。

    There 's an ancient saying : After reading up three hundred Tang pos , you can at least intone pos even you can 't write th .

  9. 虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。

    Although he never had a proper education , he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite " Three Hundred Tang Poems " .

  10. 中日日暮诗的意象分析&《唐诗三百首》与《新古今和歌集》之比较

    An Analysis of the Images in Chinese and Japanese Dusk Poetry & Comparison Between 300 Poetry Master Pieces of Tang Dynasty and The New Anthology Waka Poetry in All Ages

  11. 唐代诗人杜工部曾说读书破万卷下笔如有神。俗语中也提到过,熟读唐诗三百首,不会作也会柳。

    Tang Dynasty poet Du and Industry said that " getting a study break rolls of God . " Proverbs also mentioned , Familiar with the Three Hundred Tang Poems , you write poem too .

  12. 本文以唐诗三百首中的212首绝句为语料,结合认知语言学的有关理论,特别是从意象图式的角度,通过不同的视点对唐诗语篇作出一种新的解读和鉴赏。

    This dissertation attempts to comprehend and appreciate the Tang poetry discourse from cognitive linguistics theories , namely image schema based on 212 pieces of case studies selected from Three Hundred Poems in the Tang Dynasty .

  13. 我又回到屋里去,把报纸前前后后都看完了,又拿起一本《唐诗三百首》来,看了一半,天色越发阴暗了,我的朋友还不回来。

    Returning to my friend 's room I read the newspaper from cover to cover , then picked up the Three Hundred Tang Poems and went through half of it . It was getting more and more overcast outside , yet there was no sign of my friend .