
  1. 论新型商业混同行为的法律规制&对我国《反不正当竞争法》修改的一点建议

    Commercial The Legal Regulation Against New Types of Commercial Misappropriation On Commercial Law

  2. 建议修改《反不正当竞争法》,增加新类型的商业混同行为的规定,以完善竞争立法。

    It is therefore recommended that the Anti-Unfair-Competition Law be amended to include the new types of commercial misappropriation .

  3. 商业混同行为是一种常见的不正当竞争行为,具体包括商品主体混同、业主体混同和商品质量混同。

    The conduct of commercial mixture is a kind of common unlawful competition , which includes mixture of commodity subject , of operating subject and that of commodity quality .

  4. 然而新类型的商业混同行为,如不正当模仿行为、反向假冒商标行为以及商标与企业名称的混同行为等却因为法无明文规定而得不到有力的规制。

    However , the law regulation is weak against new types of commercial misappropriation such as unfair imitation , reverse passing-off or misappropriation of trademark or company names for lack of express provision .