
  • 网络Business information technology;Business IT;Business with IT
  1. 新疆高职电子商务信息技术课程设置探究

    The Explore of the Vocational e-commerce Information Technology Curriculum Seting in Xinjiang

  2. 基于XML的JSP电子商务信息交换技术

    Information Exchange Technology for JSP E-business Based on XML

  3. 基于RSA的电子商务信息加密技术研究

    Research of information encryption technology of electronic commerce based on RSA

  4. 认识到基于Web服务的方法可能成为电子商务和信息技术的基础设施,本文首先提出了构造基于Web服务的分布式流数据查询系统。

    In this thesis , because service-based approaches have gained considerable attention recently for supporting distributed application development in e-business and e-science , the innovative work to build distributed query processing system over streaming data is firstly presented .

  5. 在引进了一个简单的B2B和B2C电子商务的信息技术之后,将讨论XML对今后商业界的影响及其安全性问题。

    After introducing the information technology for Business to Customer ( B2C ) and Business to Business ( B2B ) Electronic Com merce ( EC ), it analyzes the impact of XML on the tomorrow business world .

  6. 电子商务是信息技术在经济中应用的一个新模式。

    Electronic commerce is the result that information technology applied in the economic .

  7. 四是电子商务等信息技术的挑战。

    The last is the challenge of the information technology such as E-commerce .

  8. 浅析网络商务信息采集技术的发展趋势

    Analysis on the Network Information Acquisition Technology Business Trends

  9. 电子政府对公共行政,电子商务及信息技术的发展均具有促进作用。

    E - government promotes the public administration .

  10. 电子商务与信息技术

    Electronic Commerce and Information Technique

  11. 电子商务以及信息技术的发展给不断变革的物流模式提供了保障与活力。

    The development of e-commerce and information technology gives security and vitality to the ever-changing modes of logistics .

  12. 电子商务及信息技术的发展催生了网络银行,世界各大银行纷纷触网,开辟网络金融业务。

    Electronic commerce and information technology are the midwifery of network bank . Lots of banks have tapped network financial business .

  13. 本文论述了我国会计软件的历史和现状,经济环境变化对会计软件的影响、电子商务及信息技术的发展对会计软件的影响;

    Historical and current situation of accounting software , the impact of economic environment changes on accounting software , development of e-commerce and information technology impacts on accounting theory .

  14. 正是电子商务、信息技术的飞跃式发展奠定了现代物流虚拟化发展的技术基础,同时也正是这些高新技术的发展引导了客户的需求,推动了物流虚拟化的进程。

    The rapid development of e-commerce , information technology established the technical base of modern virtual logistics ' development , as well as guided the client demand and promoted the procession of virtual logistics .

  15. 电子商务是信息技术发展到一定阶段并应用于各种商务活动中的产物,是人类文明发展的结果。

    Electronic commerce is that information technology develops to a certain stage and applies in all kinds of business activities of the product , and it is the result of the development of human civilization .

  16. 周四,这名商务与信息技术专业的大四学生把菠萝放在了空的展台上,四天后回去再看,发现菠萝已经被放到了玻璃展柜中。

    After placing the pineapple on the empty display stand on a Thursday , the fourth year business and information technology student returned four days later to find it had been put in a glass display box .

  17. 电子商务作为信息技术和经济发展的产物,已经成为一种越来越普及的交易方式,如何在电子商务环境下进行征税,已经成为各国政府深入研究的一个重要课题。

    As a outcome of information technology and economy develop , Electronic Commerce has become a new kind of dealing style which be widely used . How to collect tax based on electronic commerce has become an important task to different countries .

  18. 当2000年互联网泡沫破灭之时,不仅初露头角的创业者和投资者烧伤了手指,就连一心期望教授电子商务与信息技术课程的商学院教授也感到痛苦。

    When the dotcom bubble burst in 2000 it was not just budding entrepreneurs and investors who had their fingers burnt . Business school professors who had pinned their hopes on teaching e - commerce and information technology courses also felt the pain .

  19. 基于SOA架构商务信息平台构建技术的研究

    Research on construction technology of business information platform design for SOA-based framework

  20. 农业电子商务是以信息技术为基础,以Internet为平台的有关农业生产管理和农副产品及农业生产资料交易的商务活动。

    Agricultural electronic commerce , based on the information technology through the Internet platform , is a kind of commercial activity for agricultural management , agricultural products and relative equipment and so on .

  21. 协同物流商务信息平台工作流技术研究

    Research on workflow of commerce model for collaborative logistics

  22. 电子商务的信息安全技术

    Information Security Technology in E-Commerce

  23. 电子商务是现代信息技术在商务活动中合理运用的典范。

    E-commerce is a modern information technology in business activities in the rational use of the model .

  24. 电子商务是以信息技术为基础的商务活动,而统计分析是电子商务系统中不可或缺的一部分。

    The Electronic Commerce is a commercial activity that bases on information technology , and statistic analysis is absolutely necessary to the Electronic Commerce system .

  25. 随着电子商务和互联网信息技术的飞速发展,用户通过电子商务购买自己所需要的商品和服务所占的比重越来越大。

    With the rapid development of e-commerce and Internet information technology , more and more users to purchase the goods and services they wanted through theE-commerce platform .

  26. 电子商务时代,信息技术革命极大地改变了我们的商业模式,产生了以客户满意为中心的商业模式。

    In electronic commerce ages , information technique revolution has changed our business model greatly , produced the business model of " taking customers ' satisfaction as center " .

  27. 身份认证技术是网络安全和信息系统安全的第一道屏障,也是电子商务时代信息安全技术重要的一个研究领域。

    Authentication technology is the network security and information system security is the first barrier , but also age of electronic commerce information security technology an important area of research .

  28. 电子商务是运用信息技术手段进行的社会经济活动,能有效降低经营成本、提高生产效率和优化资源配置,代表着未来经济运行和贸易发展方向。

    Electronic commerce is a social economic activity that uses the information technology , it can reduce the operating cost , raise production efficiency and optimize resource distribution effectively , represent the developing direction of future economical operation and trade .

  29. 移动商务是无线信息技术与传统商务融合的整体系统,无线信息技术引发的增值是系统的最终目标,具体可表现为信息的效用和效率。

    M-business is a the syncretic system of wireless information technology and traditional business , and its aim is to obtain the added value incurred by the wireless information technology , whose concrete representation is the utility and efficiency of information .

  30. 本文对电子商务的信息安全技术进行研究,在重点介绍电子商务安全技术原理的基础上,针对与电子商务应用相关的基本安全问题及解决方案进行了深入的叙述。

    The information security technology of e-commerce is studied in this text , and on the basis of introducing the principle of the security practice of e-commerce especially , the deep narration to basic security problem and solution correlating with electronic business application have been carried on .