
shānɡ pǐn jià ɡé
  • commodity price;price of commodity
  1. Fuzzy控制理论在商品价格控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Control Theory in Commodity Price Control

  2. 你有这么多钱,M美元来投资,并且在下一年来临的时候每月一个商品价格的预测P美元。

    You have money M to invest and a forecast of a commodity price P for each month in the coming year .

  3. 商品价格稳定,市场货源充足。

    Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market .

  4. 那个商店里的商品价格高。

    The wares in that store are dear .

  5. 值此价格飞涨的时候,许多商店认为可以赶浪头提高商品价格。

    While prices are rising so fast , many shops think they can climb on the bandwagon and raise their prices , too .

  6. 这种现象在实体商店中也得到进一步放大,商家打出的商品价格中,最后两位数字印得明显比前两位数字小很多。

    In actual stores , this is encouraged , as producers and managers have the final two numbers of the price printed with much smaller fonts than the first one or two .

  7. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)已表示,预计下个月将上调利率,为高涨的大宗商品价格降温。

    The European Central Bank has signaled it expects to start raising interest rates next month , in a bid to cool rising commodity prices .

  8. 但随着大宗商品价格飙升,批评美联储(FederalReserve)的零利率已成为美国人茶余饭后的新话题。

    Criticizing the Federal Reserve 's zero-interest-rate policy is the new national pastime , thanks to a surge in commodity prices .

  9. 动态定价(DynamicPricing)策略指的是随渠道、产品、客户和时间变化频繁调整商品价格的商业策略。

    Dynamic Pricing is defined as a business strategy in which the price of the commodity is changed with the change of the channel , the product , the customer and the time .

  10. imf还表示,各国央行需要小心,不要对大宗商品价格大幅波动引起的通胀上升反应过度。

    The IMF also said that central banks should take care not to overreact to jumps in inflation caused by large swings in commodity prices .

  11. 这种大宗商品价格冲击令全球需求缩减约3%,并成为大萧条(greatrecession)和股价暴跌的罪魁祸首,超出了很多人的想象。

    This commodity price shock subtracted about 3 per cent from global demand , and was more responsible for the great recession , and the precipitous decline in equities , than many people have realised .

  12. imf表示,美元贬值加上短期实际利率下跌,“通过一些渠道推高了大宗商品价格,例如提高了大宗商品作为另类资产的吸引力。”

    The IMF said that the constellation of dollar depreciation and falling short-term real interest rates " has pushed up commodity prices through a number of channels , including by enhancing the attractiveness of commodities as an alternative asset . "

  13. bis在其报告中指出,不断上涨的食品、能源和其他大宗商品价格,凸显了世界各国央行开始提高利率的必要性,加息速度或许应该比当初减息的速度还要快。

    Rising food , energy and other commodity prices underscored the need for central banks around the world to begin raising interest rates , perhaps even more rapidly than they brought them down , said the bis in its report .

  14. 论信息商品价格概念及其形成机制

    On the Concept of Information Commodity Price and Its Formation Mechanism

  15. 最后,论述了信息商品价格的特性。

    At last , it discusses information commodity price 's characteristic .

  16. 商品价格的区间预测及统计置信度研究

    Researches on the Price Forecasting of Commodity and Statistical Confidence Limit

  17. 将商品价格定得低于竞争对手的策略,可能比较难以保持。

    Pricing goods below the competition can be difficult to maintain .

  18. 在商品价格下跌时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。

    Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall .

  19. 在中国需求的拉动下,大宗商品价格亦随之上涨。

    Commodity prices , boosted by Chinese demand , rose with it .

  20. 通过增加货币供应量或赊购货物而增加商品价格。

    Cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit .

  21. 近期的商品价格反弹主要是由于巨大的投资者投机因素导致。

    There is a large investor-driven speculative element to the current commodities rally .

  22. 这将马上导致价格下跌,尤其是大宗商品价格。

    This would immediately lead to reductions in prices , especially commodity prices .

  23. 人民币走强将使进口商品价格更加低廉,有利于控制通货膨胀。

    A stronger yuan would make imported commodities cheaper , helping manage inflation .

  24. 试论城市及郊区土地商品价格

    A study of the prices of urban and suburban land as a commodity

  25. 信息商品价格界定的理论基础

    Theoretical basis of determining the price of information commodities

  26. 消费者对商品价格感知的一个重要基础就是消费者的参考价格。

    One important basis of consumers ' price perception is consumers ' reference price .

  27. 不同货币间商品价格的换算方法。

    Exchange among three currencies and conversion among different commodity prices of different currencies .

  28. 资源性商品价格暴涨原因探析

    An Analysis of the Reasons for the Boom in the Price of Resource Products

  29. 我们报此商品价格,以未经售出为有效。

    We offer the commodity subject to prior sale ( to be unsold ) .

  30. 体育商品价格制定的依据及影响价格的因素分析

    Basis of Marking Sports Goods Prices and Analysis of the Effect Factors on the Prices