
  1. (如果一位客户从三家商品订购商品的话,那么Instacart会派出三名个人购物配送员分别前往这三家商店,让他们在购物后会合,把各自购买的商品合在一起送货上门。)

    ( if a customer orders from three different stores , three personal shoppers are assigned and rendezvous afterwards to merge their purchases into one delivery . )

  2. 一个是决策层面上的,它涉及批发定价、零售定价、商品订购、上游企业的品牌广告以及下游企业的销售努力等决策变量。

    One is in the decision level where such decision variables as wholesale price , retailer price , order quantity , and advertising / sales efforts are involved .

  3. 当前两种情况均为False时,剩下的唯一一种情况就是发送的商品超过订购的商品,或者是没有足够的商品发送,而且重新进货的时间又太长。

    The only case that is left , when the first two cases are false , is that more items were shipped than were ordered , or not enough were shipped , but the restocking time is too long .

  4. 讨论了在一个时期内商品的订购价格有折扣,而且该商品的需求量是离散型随机变量的订购问题,得出了使利润最大化的最佳订购量的计算方法。

    In a given period the seasonal goods can be ordered at a discount price , and the demand for the goods is an issue of discrete random variable .

  5. 当处理客户订单时发现商品库存少于订购数量,那么将使用AmazonSQS向制造商发送一个购买订单。

    If , when processing a customer order , the widget inventory is less than the number ordered , a new purchase order is sent to the Manufacturer using Amazon SQS .

  6. 所以,我们采用了ASP技术,构建了一个能实现简单的电子商务的小型动态商务网站&网上购物系统,该系统能实现用户的注册、登录功能;能够实现商品的查询,订购等功能。

    Therefore , we use the ASP technology , built a simple e-commerce to achieve a small dynamic business website - online shopping system , which enables the user registration , log function ; be able to achieve merchandise inquiries , ordering and other functions .

  7. 信用证是银行对销售商品者已装运订购的出口货物承担付款保证的信用工具。

    The letter of credit is the bank instrument that assures the person selling merchandise of payment if he makes the agreed-upon shipment .