
  • 网络Product category
  1. 最令人惊讶的是,在Provisions上卖得最火的商品类别,居然是与烹饪没有任何关系的“存储与组织”类商品,比如洗衣篓和干衣球等等。

    The biggest surprise ? Provisions " top-selling category isn 't even cooking-related . Storage and organization items , such as laundry baskets and dryer balls , lead the way .

  2. 然而,在商品类别和商品之间的关系中,只是有一方是可选的。

    The relationship between Product Category and Product , on the other hand , is only optional in one direction .

  3. 其他商品类别中,供需关系对高价格的变化反应更快。

    For other commodities , supply and demand change more quickly in response to higher prices .

  4. 一种商品类别不必有一样商品归属于它中(选的)但所有的商品都必须分门别类。

    A Product Category need not have products assigned to it , but all products must be assigned to a Product Category .

  5. 请下载以下资料表,填写后按照商品类别的相应电子邮件地址发给我们;

    Please download the documents below and fill out it , and then send them to the email address corresponding to your sector activity .

  6. 如果决策者只是在一个商品类别里干几个月,那么他们站出来承担风险的可能性就非常小了。

    If a decision-maker is only going to be working within a given category for a few months , it 's even less likely that they will step out and take risks .

  7. 然而那个边境关口并未联接两国之间仍有争议的任何地区,而且仅有一些商品类别能够通过重新开放的地区进行交易。

    Yet that crossing does not connect any of the large areas that are still disputed between the two countries , and only a few categories of goods may be traded through the reopened area .

  8. 人民币双率变动对贸易顺差国的影响要大于对逆差国的影响,对竞争性越强的商品类别的贸易收支影响越大。

    RMB double rate changes on the impact of trade surplus countries are greater than that of deficit countries . The stronger the competition of the category of merchandise , the greater the impact put on the trade balance of them .

  9. 大型零售企业在发展自有品牌方面拥有诸多竞争优势。创建自有品牌战略应慎重选择制造商,注意商品类别的选择,保证商品质量,合理设计品牌,同时,注意品牌的保护。

    In carrying out this strategy , the large-scale retail enterprises should choose manufacturers with caution , pay attention to the choice of commodity category , ensure the commodity quality , design their brands reasonably , and emphasize the protection of their brands .

  10. 通过分析研究,本论文得出的结论是:配送商品类别的不同是造成配送及仓储价格差异的主要原因,且在本研究中发现A客户最能反映商品特性与服务价格间的关系。

    The conclusion of the paper is that the key reason of the price difference in delivery and storage is the different kinds of commodities by analysis and research , and find that A client can reflect the connection of commodities character and price .

  11. 记者对电商卖家、物流公司和帮电商卖家刷销量的人进行了一系列采访,结果显示,在一些商品类别中,虚假销量或可占到所有线上销量的十分之一至四分之一。

    In some category of goods , fake sales can account for between a 10th to a quarter of all online sales , according to a series of interviews with ecommerce vendors , logistics companies , and people who help fake internet traffic for e-commerce sellers .

  12. 通过对中职学生网上购物需求及选择购买商品类别的调查获取了大量信息和第一手资料,根据调查结果对中职学生创业意愿及创业面临的主要困难做出全面分析。

    Vocational students through the online shopping needs and choose to purchase goods for a large number of categories of survey information and first-hand information , based on the findings of the vocational school students and the enterprise venture will make the major difficulties faced by a comprehensive analysis .

  13. 由于商品的类别不同在表现上也有所区别,但一般都是以比较直观的方法为主。

    Because of the different categories of merchandise , the performance also different , but generally choose a more intuitive way .

  14. 来宝集团表示,正考虑在5月7日发布的第一季度财报中,按照不同的地区和大宗商品的类别,向投资者展示损益细节。

    Noble said it was considering showing investors gains and losses by region and by commodity in its first-quarter results , due on May 7 .

  15. 声明也未说明具体的时间或所涉及商品的具体类别。

    It didn 't specify the timing or the exact kinds of goods involved .

  16. 他们研究了是否机构投资者把商品作为资产类别投资和投资商品指数的行为是这次商品价格不同寻常上涨的背后因素。

    They examined whether the push by institutional investors to assign funds to commodities as an asset class and to invest in commodity indices , was a factor behind the extraordinary price increase .

  17. 主要的经营商品有两大类别:服装辅料和工艺品。

    As a supplier of clothing accessories , arts and crafts industry .

  18. 港交所可能推出的产品包括金属、农业大宗商品和“软”商品这个类别包括咖啡、可可和糖。

    Products could include metals , agricultural commodities and " soft " commodities a category that includes coffee , cocoa and sugar .

  19. 第十一条申请商标注册的,应当按规定的商品分类表填报使用商标的商品类别和商品名称。

    Article 11 . An applicant for the registration of a trademark shall , in a form , indicate , in accordance with the prescribed classification of goods , the class of the goods and the designation of the goods in respect of which the trademark is to be used .

  20. 因此,二手的设计师商品成了最具有吸引力的在线寄售商品类别。

    That 's why the market for used designer goods is the most attractive category for online consignment .

  21. 按商品种类不同,分为单项商品价格指数、商品类别价格指数和总指数。

    According to types of commodity , it can be divided into goods price index of an individual event , the classification price index of the goods and total index .

  22. 前台设计主要包括用户注册、用户购买商品、用户下发订单,会员用户信息自服务,后台设计主要包括用户信息管理、商品类别管理、商品信息管理、订单管理、统计生成报表管理。

    The front desk design includes user registration , users shopping , user orders , member user information self-help management . The backstage design model includes user information management , product category management , commodity information management , order management , statistics reports management .