
  1. 第一部分:商品形态的概述。

    Chapter 1 : There is summary of trade dress .

  2. 第二部分:商品形态保护模式的比较。

    Chapter 2 : Introduce different protective mode of trade dress to people .

  3. 对商品形态的不同称谓、概念和界定、法律特征做出概括和总结,将全文的基本概念在此明确。

    This article summarizes the appellation , conception and range of trade dress . Main basic conceptions are definite here .

  4. 文章从大众文化建筑四种基本形态进行了考察:符号形态、传媒形态、商品形态、科技形态。

    This paper studies four forms of mass-cultural architecture : symbolic form , propagation form , commodity form , scientific form .

  5. 在产品出现同质化的时代里,商品形态往往是消费者做出最终抉择的关键性因素之一,谁的商品形态能吸引消费者,谁就能获得更大的经济利益。

    In the period of the homogeneity of products , trade dress is one of key factors to make consumer do a decision . Whose trade dress attracts consumer , who can gain more economic interest .

  6. 寿险本身就是一个个人的交易行为,个人交易行为最终形成交易成果的法律要件&契约,成为寿险商品的表现形态。

    The contract is the final legal result of the individual transaction and the expression forms of life insurance product .

  7. 中国是世界上文明古国之一,商品、货币等形态早已存在,金融市场也不断发展变化。

    China is one of ancient civilization nations . Commodity and money have existed for a long time . Financial markets are also developed continually .

  8. 总结专业市场入口形式及其开门方式与市场所处区位、经营商品种类及布局形态之间的关系。

    Summary the relationship between the entrances , open methods of professional market and the location of market , types of goods and layout pattern .

  9. 在商品的包装造型形态上会更注重商品的品牌效应、商品在超级市场中的货架展示效果、系列化商品、简洁化包装、人性化包装、环保材料的广泛应用等。

    In modeling shape on the packaging of goods will pay more attention to product branding , product display shelves in the supermarket in effect , serialized product , simple of packaging , personalized packaging , wide application of environmental friendly materials .

  10. 作为一种特殊的、新兴的市场,碳排放市场有着它自己的特点,它与传统的商品市场无论是在商品形态还是交易基础上都存在着不同的地方。

    As a special and emerging market , carbon emission trading has its own special characters . It is different from traditional commodity market in both commodity style and trading basis .

  11. 其中涉及到各国不同的理论,如美国的功能性理论、德国的商品自身特性论、日本的技术形态除外说等。第四部分:我国现有知识产权法对商品形态的保护。

    It relate to diverse theory , such as functionality theory etc. Chapter 4 : First introduces the protection to the trade dress in current Chinese intellectual property law .

  12. 商品第一相对价值表现和商品的第一形态变化之间、商品第二相对价值表现和商品的第二形态变化之间,分别具有对应关系。

    There exists two corresponding relations between the first relative value demonstration and the first pattern transformation on the one hand , and between the second relative value demonstration and the second pattern transformation of the commodity on the other .