
shānɡ yè qǐ yè
  • commercial enterprise
  1. [美俚]香烟,烟卷基于DEA的卷烟商业企业配送系统评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Distribution System of Cigarette Commercial Enterprise Based on DEA

  2. 通过并购方式设立外商投资商业企业的,如果境内外企业被同一管理层所控制或其实际控制人为同一人。

    In case the foreign-invested commercial enterprise is established in the form of acquisition , the foreign enterprise and the Chinese enterprise are controlled by the same management or in the charge of the same controller .

  3. 从事批发业务的外商投资商业企业

    For the foreign-funded commercial enterprises that undertake wholesaling business .

  4. 基于MATLAB的多变量灰色模型在商业企业销售量预测中的应用

    The using of MATLAB-based Multi-variable Gray Model in the commercial enterprises sales forecasting

  5. 泊松/指数模型在商业企业MIS中的应用

    An application of the poisson / exponential model in business MIS

  6. BPR在某商业企业中的实施分析

    An Analysis of BPR Implementation in a Commercial Company

  7. 商业企业中运用JIT理论的采购模式研究

    Study on Distributors ' Purchase Modeling in JIT Theory

  8. 在验证业务流程的有效性之后,运用统一建模语言UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)这一高效系统建模工具,根据之前设计好的业务流程,建立了详细的商业企业物流信息系统模型。

    After verifying the effectiveness of business processes , I use the UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) to build a detailed model of the commercial enterprise logistics information system .

  9. 随着Internet技术的发展和它的广泛应用,越来越多的商业企业开始考虑利用Internet/Intranet技术来建设自己的商业自动化系统。

    With the development of Internet technology and its applications , more and more commercial enterprices are constructing / are going to construct their Commercial Automation System by taking advantage of Internet / Intranet technology .

  10. NEC为商业企业、通信服务以及政府提供信息技术和网络产品。

    NEC for business enterprises , communications services and the provision of information technology and networking products .

  11. 内容包括构建覆盖全省商业企业的网络,IP电话,视频会议,资金管理,分销管理,专卖,辅助决策,办公自动化等子系统。

    The system includes several parts such as the network covering all commerce enterprises , IP phone , visual meeting , funds management subsystem , selling management , monopolization subsystem , aid decision subsystem , OA etc.

  12. 主要研究了基于GIS的连锁商业企业的商品配送服务信息系统中的一个基本问题&如何根据居民点的服务请求确定配送商品的连锁商店。

    In this article , the authors discuss a major problem in GIS - based merchandise delivery information systems for a chain Store business company in Shanghai that is to determine the chain store to deliver the merchandise to the customer in any location of the city .

  13. 论述了MIS系统开发中的数据库管理系统(DBMS)的概念及特点,针对烟草商业企业的特点,对烟草MIS系统开发中DBMS选型,提出了新的观点。

    The concept and characteristics about DBMS in the development of MIS system are discussed in the paper . In accordance with the special situation of tobacco sale business , the paper puts forward a standpoint to the selection of DBMS in the development of tobacco bussiness ' MIS system .

  14. 但设计是一个商业企业,服务等商业企业。

    But design is a commercial enterprise serving other commercial enterprises .

  15. 国营大中型商业企业如何深化改革

    How to Deepen the Reform of Commercial Large or Middle-Sized Enterprises

  16. 建立以计算机和通信技术为基础的现代商业企业管理体系

    Establishing Modern Commercial Management System Based on Computer and Communication Techniques

  17. 卷烟商业企业转型中价值链的研究

    Research on the value chain of cigarette commercial enterprises in transaction

  18. 公共部门、商业企业、雇佣单位乃至个人都在普遍使用这个系统。

    Public agencies , enterprises , and individual use it universally .

  19. 烟草商业企业客户关系构建研究

    Research on the Relationship Construction between Tobacco Business Corporation and Customers

  20. 我国中小商业企业集群的演化机制分析

    Evolution Mechanism of Small and Medium-sized Commercial Enterprise Cluster in China

  21. 地方国有商业企业改革问题研究

    The Research on the Reform Problems of Local State-owned Commercial Enterprises

  22. 四是鼓励有条件的大型制造企业和商业企业投资发展专业物流公司和配送中心,或与第三方物流企业合资发展物流配送业务;

    Fifth , to encourage qualified big enterprises invest in logistics .

  23. 湖南连锁商业企业开拓县域市场的选址策略

    Site-choosing Strategy for Expanding Hunan 's Franchise Business in Counties

  24. 依据业务流程重组的思想重新确定了商业企业的组织机构及商业业务流程。

    The paper reset organization and commercial business process according to BPR .

  25. 商业企业综合实力评价与决策模型的研究

    Assessment and Decision Model for Comprehensive Strengh of Commercial Companies

  26. 国有小型商业企业应当改变国有性质论股权的所有制属性

    The ownership nature of the State small-sized commercial firms should be changed

  27. 连锁经营已经成为商业企业发展的主要模式。

    Chain commerce has already become the main mode of commerce development .

  28. 对新疆零售商业企业发展连锁经营的思考

    Thoughts on Xinjiang Retail Businesses ' Developing of Chain Operation

  29. 传统商业企业开展电子商务的应对策略

    Research on strategies for developing e-business in traditional commercial enterprises

  30. 商业企业物流外包的费用和效率边界分析

    Cost Efficiency of Logistics Outsourcing Boundary in Commercial Companies