
  1. 当前我国商业银行票据贴现业务快速增长研究

    A Study on the Rapid Growth of Bills Business in Chinese Commercial Banks

  2. 本文以商业银行票据贴现业务的现状为基础,对票据贴现业务中的问题从法理和制度的角度进行了研究。

    This paper based on the status of the bill discounting business in commercial banks , analyses the problems of the bill discounting business from the legal theory and system point of view .

  3. 该理论主张通过合格商业票据的贴现机制,即对商业票据的贴现实施质的控制,使货币和信贷供给与农工商业生产流通保持同步,从而避免货币供给的短缺或膨胀。

    It proposes that currency and credit supplies should keep pace with the production and circulation of agriculture , science , and commerce , by a discount mechanism of qualified commercial bills , that is , a quality-controlled discount of commercial bills .