
shānɡ pǐn jiǎn yàn
  • commodity inspection;merchandise inspection
  1. 扼要介绍了DSC的测试原理及其在进出口商品检验中的应用,并对其存在的问题进行了探讨。

    We briefly introduced the principles of tested on DSC and the use of it in the import and export commodity inspection , and discussed the existed problems .

  2. 上海商品检验局研究(1929-1937)

    A Study of the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau ( 1929-1937 );

  3. 木材商品检验学CAI课件的研制

    Design of CAI Courseware of Wood Products Checking

  4. 同时也表明,XPS作为一种重要的表面分析技术将会在商品检验和产品检验中得到有效地应用。

    XPS as a important method for analyzing surface will be used in product and commodity inspection .

  5. 商品检验局供港食品应急监察组

    " Monitoring team for food supply , commodity inspection bureau "

  6. 我们谈一下商品检验问题好吗?

    Shall we go down to the question of inspection ?

  7. 把商品检验报告给我看一下。

    B : Let me have a look over the test report .

  8. 如果商品检验不能在规定期限内完成怎么办?

    What if the inspection cannot be completed within the time limit ?

  9. 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。

    Shall we take up the question of inspection today ?

  10. 弹簧钢丝的商品检验与诊断

    Commodity Inspection and Diagnosis for the Spring Steel Wires

  11. 试论我国的商检制度激光在商品检验中的应用

    On China 's System of Commodity Inspection Application of Laser on Commodity Inspection

  12. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题进行洽谈。

    Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods .

  13. 国际货物买卖中有关商品检验的法律问题浅议

    LAW Issues Concerning Commodity Inspection in the International Trade

  14. 这批货在装船前由中国商品检验局进行过检验。

    The goods is inspect by the china commodity inspection bureau before shipment .

  15. 例句与用法:这批货在装船前由中国商品检验局进行过检验。

    The goods were inspected by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau before shipment .

  16. 由中国商品检验局签发的质量和重量检验证书。

    Inspection Certificate of quality and weight issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau .

  17. 天津市进出口商品检验协会

    Tianjin Association for Import and Export Commodity Inspection

  18. 进出口商品检验服务合同若干法律问题的研究

    Study on Legal Issues of Contract of Survey Service on Import and Export Commodities

  19. 随附中国商品检验局的检验报告,请早日解决索赔。

    The CCIB survey report is forwarded herewith and your early settlement is requested .

  20. 商品检验条款是国际贸易合同中的重要组成部分。

    The clause of commodity inspection is an important part of contract in international trade .

  21. 商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成。

    The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods .

  22. 我国的商品检验市场和检验事业

    China 's Product Testing Market and Institutions

  23. 你知道,这批货物在装船前是经过商品检验局检验的。

    You know , the goods were inspected by the Commodities Inspection Office before shipment .

  24. 中国商品检验局签发之检验证明书。

    Inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C.

  25. 我们有最好的公证行,即中国进出口商品检验局。

    We have the best surveyor , China Import and Export Commodity I ection Bureau .

  26. 进口商品检验的失效分析&记对一例粗纱机的失效分析

    An failure analysis of imported commodity inspection & an failure analysis on a fly frame

  27. 商检代理:专业代理出口商品检验检疫、代制产地证等。

    Commodities Inspection Agents : professional agent export quarantine inspection , Certificate of original , etc.

  28. 进出口货物的通关、商品检验及一切港前商务代理。

    Import and export customs clearance , commodity inspection and all the former business agent .

  29. 中俄边贸的守护神&黑河进出口商品检验局

    Patron Saint of Sino-Russian Border Trade & Heihe I / E Commodity Inspection Bureau of PRC

  30. 商品检验:买方可以派质检人员到卖方工厂验货3次。

    Quality inspection : The buyer can send the QC to Seller 's factory for3 times .