
  1. 文化则是影响商标注册条件的另一个因素。

    Another factor that influences the said qualifications is culture .

  2. 影响商标注册条件的一个因素是社会经济体制。

    One of the factors that influences the said qualifications is the economic structure .

  3. 这种不完善表现为商标注册条件和审查规则存在缺陷,这些缺陷又导致了商标主管机关的商标审查的缺陷。

    These imperfections are expressed as that in the qualifications and rules for trademark application and registration , or even in the actual trademark examination .

  4. 立体商标注册的限制性条件

    The Restrictive Conditions of the Stereoscopic Trademark Registration

  5. 商标获得注册的前提条件是必须具备显著性,能够区分和指示商品或服务的来源。

    The precondition of trademark for registration is that it must have distinctive character , which can distinguish and instruct the source of goods or services .

  6. 第二章主要论证了商标使用是商标维持注册条件的正当性基础。

    In the second chapter , we mainly demonstrate why the trademark use is the condition of maintaining a trademark registration .

  7. 该制度是指商标主管机关审查商标注册申请时所依据的商标注册条件以及审查规则。

    The system refers to the qualification for trademark registration provided for in the Trademark Law and the rules on trademark examination .

  8. 一方面,《商标法》应充分注重商标使用对于商标权取得制度的意义,将商标使用作为商标注册的前提条件,并借鉴美国《兰哈姆法》意图使用内容。

    On the one hand , the Trademark Law should emphasize the importance of trademark usage to the acquisition system of trademark right . It should add trademark usage on registration as a condition and take example by the " intent to use " of Lanham Act .