
  1. 委托商标代理机构办理的,提交商标代理委托书和申请人的资格有效复印件。

    Commissioned for the trademark agencies , Acting instructions of the mark and a photocopy of the applicant 's qualifications effective .

  2. 他们指出,中国的法律要求外国商标所有人使用指定商标代理机构,而中国人可以直接向商标局申请。

    They noted that China 's law required foreign owners of trademarks to use designated trademark agents , while Chinese nationals were permitted to file directly with China 's Trademark Office .

  3. 质权人和出质人可以直接向商标局申请,也可以委托商标代理机构代理。

    The pledgor and the pledgee may directly apply to the trademark bureau or may authorize a trademark agency to file an application .