
  • 网络Beer bread
  1. 椒盐脆饼,德国啤酒面包,法兰克福面包,软辊面包,硬卷面包,全麦面包,杂粮面包,黄油什锦果酱面包,盐渍面包棒,盐渍迷你饼干。

    Pretzel , German beer bread , Frankfurt bread , soft roll , hard roll , whole wheat bread , multigrain bread Portion butter and assorted jams , salted bread sticks , salted mini pretzel .

  2. 艾尔啤酒由面包师傅的酵母---酵母属酿酒酵母(学名为Saccharomycescerevisiae)酿制而成。

    Ales are made with baker 's yeast , Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

  3. 酿酒酵母是发酵工业的重要微生物,主要用于酒精、啤酒和面包工业。

    S. cerevisiae , as an important microbe in fermenting industry , is mainly applied in ethanol industry , beer brewing and baking industry .

  4. 酵母可用于酿啤酒和发面包。

    Yeast can be used in making beer and bread .

  5. 当时,啤酒是像面包一样的基本商品,无论社会地位和年龄为何,人人都会享用。

    At that time , beer was a basic commodity - like bread - to be consumed and enjoyed by the entire population , regardless of status or age .

  6. 本文对芦荟凝胶液、芦荟浓缩液、芦荟干粉的制取技术以及芦荟啤酒、芦荟面包、芦荟复合饮料、芦荟酸乳等新型产品的加工技术进行了探讨。

    The new production technology of Aloe gel juice , Aloe concentrated juice , Aloe dry powder and the process of some new-type Aloe products such as Aloe beer , Aloe bread , Aloe compound drink and Aloe yogurt are discussed in this paper .

  7. 结果表明:在最适条件下,啤酒酵母和面包酵母的自溶干物质得率、蛋白质得率、氨基酸态氮得率分别提高52.2%、55.1%、14.6%和26.0%、32.8%、11.6%。

    The results showed that the yield ratio increase of cell ( dry basis ), protein and amino nitrogen were 52.2 % , 55.1 % and 14.6 % for beer yeast , and 26.0 % , 32.8 % and 11.6 % for baker 's yeast under the optimum condition .

  8. 我们喝啤酒时吃点面包的干酪。

    We will have a bite of bread and cheese with our beer .

  9. 埃及人饮食中的啤酒、葡萄酒、面包、蜂蜜常常含有过多糖分,这可给埃及人的腰贡献了不少脂肪。

    The Egyptian diet of beer , wine , bread and honey was high in sugar , and studies show that it may have done a number on royal waistlines .

  10. 在很长的历史时期里,酿造啤酒,同做面包和其他将粮食进行加工的活计一样,被认为是家庭杂务。直到经济进入工业化时代,商业啤酒厂(由男人经营)开始发展起来。

    Brewing beer was seen as a domestic chore for much of history , like making bread and other things that came from grain , until the economy shifted into an industrial-based one and commercial breweries ( run by men ) took off .