
  1. UASB工艺处理啤酒厂废水的生产性试验研究

    Experimental Study with a Full & scale UASB Process for Treatment of Brewery Wastewater at Ambient Temperature

  2. 光合细菌法处理啤酒厂废水的试验研究

    Study on Sewage Treatment of Beer Brewery by Photosynthetic Bacteria

  3. 合肥啤酒厂废水处理站设计

    Design of wastewater treatment station of Hefei brewery

  4. 啤酒厂废水的生物分质处理效果

    Effet of Biological Separating Treatment of Brewery Wastewater

  5. 啤酒厂废水的生物处理

    Treatment of Brewery Wastewater with Microbial Flocculant

  6. 通过甲壳胺溶液对啤酒厂废水处理的研究,发现甲壳胺对废水的处理效果,在实际应用中有一定的价值。

    Test results of chitosan solution in dealing with the waste water in a beer factory show its practical value .

  7. 衡阳啤酒厂废水处理站设计规模为2100m3/d;

    The designed volume of input water for the wastewater treatment in Hengyang Beer Brewery Factory is 2 100 m 3 / d.

  8. 应用水解酸化&SBR法处理啤酒厂废水,工程实际运行结果表明,处理的水质较稳定,处理效率较高,出水满足国家标准。

    The result of adopting Hydrolytic Acidification-SBR Approach to treat brewery wastewater shows that a stable water quality has been obtained , the treatment process is effective and the treated water has meet the requirement of the state standard .

  9. 啤酒厂排放废水中COD与BOD5的相关性分析

    The Correlation Analysis of COD and BOD_5 in the Wastewater from Beer Brewery

  10. 以阜新啤酒厂生产废水处理工程为例,介绍和总结了应用CAST法处理啤酒废水方案选择的依据、工艺流程、主要设计参数和实际处理效果。

    Take the wastewater treatment project of Fuxin Brew Factory for example , reference , technological process , main design parameter and operation effectiveness of selective program of Cyclic Activated Sludge Technology ( CAST ) process to treating brew wastewater are introduced and summarized .

  11. IC-CIRCOX:啤酒厂的废水处理新工艺

    IC-CIRCOX : New craft for treatment of beer trade waste water

  12. 啤酒厂有机废水的处理

    Treatment of the organic wastewater from brewery

  13. 药厂、啤酒厂等有机废水厌氧处理试验研究

    Experimental Study on Anaerobic Treatment of High Concentration Organic Wastewater in Pharmaceutical Plant and Brewhouse

  14. 运城某啤酒厂的啤酒废水采用先进的调节预酸化外循环厌氧生物接触氧化处理工艺。

    Yucheng a brewery treated brewery wastewater using advanced " Adjusting pre-acidification - external circulation anaerobic - biological contact oxidation " treatment process .

  15. 以啤酒厂综合站啤酒废水为原水进行了实验研究。

    The ABSBR experiment was carried out with the brewery wastewater of the synthetic station in brewery factory .