
  • 网络Kara Sea;Karra;Sea Kara
  1. 一座抗冰平台最少需要花费150亿美元,谢欣表示,在喀拉海,我们需要至少10座。

    One ice proof platform costs $ 15bn minimum he said . For the Kara Sea we require at least 10 platforms .

  2. 北极圈海洋开发研究和设计中心在找人,帮他们去数居住在寒冷的喀拉海(北冰洋边海)附近北极熊。

    The Arctic Research and Design Center for Offshore Developments wants somebody to count the numbers of polar bears living around the ice-bound Kara Sea .

  3. 1918年苏联力量在这个地区建立起来。在1924年,喀拉海-吉尔吉斯自治州(Kara-KirghizAutonomousOblast)在苏联统治下建立起来。

    Soviet power was established in the region in1918 , and in1924 , the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast was created within the Russian SFSR .

  4. 这些发现为加深了解相邻的巴伦支海和喀拉海东部的油气远景提供了新的重要线索。

    These discoveries provide important new insight into the hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent eastern Barents and Kara seas .

  5. 俄罗斯的叶尼塞河是西西伯利亚平原与东西伯利亚高原的分界线,朝向北流向喀拉海。

    Russia 's Yenisei River ( also spelled " Yenisey " ) divides Western and Eastern Siberia , flowing north before emptying into the Kara Sea .

  6. 在喀拉海油井作业的钻机,将由挪威首富旗下的全球最大海上钻井公司SeaDrill提供。

    The drilling rig for that well in the Kara Sea will be provided by SeaDrill , the world 's biggest offshore drilling company , which is controlled by Norway 's richest man .

  7. 宁夏春季沙尘暴发生次数与欧亚大陆北部的喀拉海、巴伦支海、格陵兰海冰面积指数之间有显著的相关关系。

    The correlations are significant between sea-ice area index of Kara Barents and Greenland seas , which locate on the north of the continent of Europe and Asian , and spring sand-storm 's occurrence times in Ningxia .